Discusses Transgender Ideation and Emotional Blackmail with Jordan Peterson

In a revealing conversation, tech billionaire Elon Musk and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson delved into the controversial topic of transgender ideation among minors, condemning what they see as the dangerous consequences of current gender-affirming care practices. The discussion highlighted Musk’s personal experience with his son Xavier, underscoring the broader issues they believe are contributing to a crisis in mental health care.

Jordan Peterson, known for his outspoken views on psychological practices, did not mince words. “I think they are a pack of contemptible cowards,” Peterson said of his colleagues in the psychological field regarding their stance on gender-affirming care. “I think that everyone who’s been involved in this in relationship to minors should go to prison.”
Musk, echoing Peterson’s sentiments, shared his personal tragedy with his son Xavier, who fell victim to transgender ideation. Musk revealed that he was “tricked into signing documents” during a period of confusion exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. “I was told, ‘Oh, you know, Xavier might commit suicide if he…”

“That was a lie right from the outset,” Peterson responded, expressing his frustration over the emotional blackmail used to coerce parents.

Peterson emphasized the misuse of suicide threats in promoting gender transitions among minors. “There was never any evidence for that,” he said, arguing that the higher suicide rate is due to underlying depression and anxiety, not gender dysphoria. “You’re telling parents that unless they agree to this radical transformation that their children are going to die. And you think that’s moral and you think that’s true? That’s so pathological that it’s almost incomprehensible.”

Musk described the impact on his family, stating, “I lost my son essentially. They call it dead naming for a reason… your son is dead.” This poignant remark highlighted the profound personal loss he attributes to what he calls the “woke mind virus.”

Both Musk and Peterson criticized legislative actions they believe endanger children, with Musk particularly mentioning his decision to relocate company headquarters from California. “If you pass legislation like this that puts children in danger, I will move my companies out of California,” Musk recounted telling Governor Gavin Newsom.

Peterson and Musk agreed that current practices around gender-affirming care, which they referred to as “child sterilization and mutilation,” represent a grave ethical and medical failing. Musk concluded with a resolute commitment to combat what he sees as a pervasive ideology, stating, “I’ve got to destroy the woke mind virus after that. So we’re making some progress.”

The full interview is available at The Daily Wire. The segment on gender ideology is 10 minutes from the end.


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