The law as it pertains to ‘gender’ and to the medicalisation of adolescents with transgender ideation varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

The parents we support come from a variety of countries (17 at the last count), and each country might have more than one jurisdiction (e.g. the 50 States forming the United States).

In some jurisdictions, for example Spain, Scotland and California, laws put the artifice of gender ahead of the reality of sex. In Norway, a woman has been prosecuted for ‘misgendering’ where the penalty for telling the truth is up to three years imprisonment. Similar cases have been seen in Canada and in Ireland.

The task of documenting all the variations in more than seventy jurisdictions is beyond our capacity. However, what we can do is specify the law as we would like it to be. Setting the standards for laws that protect society from the corruption of lies, children from the corruption of ‘gender medicine’, and everyone from the corruption of basic human rights.

The elimination of ‘gender ideology’ is the human rights cause of our time.

The Criminal Law

Those who administer opposite sex imitation treatments have committed crimes against the person. We seek clarification of laws, particularly around the ‘medical defence’ that would allow Police and prosecutors to hold perpetrators and their facilitators to account.

Telling the truth: that there are two sexes, and that a person ‘identifying as’ something unaligned with their sex still remains of their sex (and can be referred to accordingly), must not be criminalised.

The Civil Law

Medical transition has victims. Obviously, our children have been harmed. Parents, too, have suffered in their fights to save their children. All victims must be able to gain compensation from the culpable.

The Legislature

Priorities for all legislatures must be:

  • No recognition of gender or gender identity (as distinct from sex) anywhere in statute.
  • The repeal of any legislation that embeds or validates gender or gender identity (as distinct from sex).
  • Declaration that opposite sex imitation treatments are not proper medicine.