We are protesting gender clinics; you should too
Gender clinics and trans activists: Do you think that you have the only voice? Think again.
The public outcry against the gender ideology has arrived. The tower of deceit is starting to wobble.
We parents and our allies have grown tired of crying and hitting our heads against the wall, of being the silent majority. We’re speaking out in writing, we’re talking to the media, we’re on podcasts, and we’re questioning medical professionals loudly and openly. We are consulting each other. We are organizing our evidence for lawsuits. And, we’re protesting.
Groups of parents, gay men, lesbians, conservatives, liberals and others recently joined together in three separate cities once again—Los Angeles, Seattle and New York—to protest against the medicalization of children. While we have different reasons for opposing gender ideology, our united message was clear: Children should not be placed on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or have healthy body parts removed.
We’re using our First Amendment rights. Can you hear our screams? If you don’t yet, you will soon.
This October, our protests started with bold parents in Los Angeles. It was our fifth protest of the Center of Trans Youth Health and Development at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The infamous gender doctor at this clinic has a legendary and flippant disregard for the long-term effects of her treatments and surgeries. In LA, they remove the healthy breasts of girls as young as age 13. They are now experimenting on children as young as 8 years old with cross-sex hormones, all with no mental health assessments since, they believe, a patient’s self-assessment of gender identity reigns supreme—even for minors.

Over the two-hour event, our LA protest drew honks in solidarity. Medical personnel read our signs. A bus driver stopped at a green light to shout his agreement with our message. People waved and shouted from their windows wishes of thanks and praise. We only had two dissenters—a man shouting from his car that we were homophobic (despite the large number of homosexual people in our protest group), and a person who initially conversed with one of us, but ultimately devolved into spewing the illogical gender rhetoric that is all too familiar to us.
Next, we protested in Seattle. It was our fourth protest in front of the Seattle Children’s Hospital. The site was chosen because the streamlined clinic there serves youths under the age of 21. It too boasts that no mental health assessment is required before amputation in the name of “gender affirmation”. Its website erroneously states that puberty blockers are fully reversible— which they are not. An independent reporter and Alix Aharon of Gendermapper, live-streamed the 2-hour protest. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with 1000 viewers across media platforms. Aharon discussed the relationship between pornography, pedophilia, and grooming and transgender activism. She dispelled the belief that the recent exponential growth in gender questioning kids is somehow organic and due our more inclusionary social structure with her words, and highlighted the known fact that the number of gender clinics in the United States has skyrocketed from 1 in 2007 to over 300 today.
This Seattle protest drew mostly positive public responses as well. Clearly, the general public is starting to wake up to the gender lie. As with all protests, malcontents hurled curses and names at our group, but we were undeterred.

Our riskiest protest was at NYU’s Langone Hospital in New York City. At Langone, they are known for skinning girls’ arms to make non-functioning rubbery phalluses. They also perform hundreds of vaginoplasty and mastectomies annually. Instead of using their surgical skills to heal, they profit from exploiting and operating on vulnerable, confused children with mental disorders. We told the public about their work, while surrounded by trans-activists threatening us with bodily harm.
Our protestors in New York had the most backlash of three events. Police were called—but our protest leader calmly engaged with them as we exercised our rights in peaceful protest. Some heated debates occurred but, unlike some of our adversaries, we didn’t, nor do we ever, resort to threats of violence. There’s no need. We have the truth on our side.
In addition to clinics, we also made our presence known at Wi Spa this past summer. Trans-activists, you saw us there. We were the ones that you were pushing and shoving. We were the ones you threatened. We were the ones standing up for children. We helped spread the word that the man showing his penis to little girls in the changing room was not a woman (an adult human female sometimes pejoratively referred to as a body with ovaries), but a man. A man, who is a registered sex offender who uses his self-identification as a ruse to enter women spaces for his own sexual gratification.

Did you see our billboards in Los Angeles showing the cover of Irreversible Damage, The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters? Did you see our roaming truck with the message “Who is Keira Bell?” Do you see us in our shirts that state “No Child is Born in the Wrong Body”? Did you see at the Netflix protest?
We grow bolder every day. We can take your name calling and the sneers. Our love for our children transcends our own self-preservation. We have nothing to lose. You have already taken our children, destroyed our marriages, and ruined our friendships.
We know that the affirmation model (self-diagnosis is fact, and trans identification should be agreed with and supported in all circumstances) and medicalization as the only modality of treatment for gender dysphoric children is wrong. This is increasingly clear. Puberty blockers are not a harmless pause button, but a treatment that halts the maturation process of the mind AND the body. It is followed almost 100% of the time by the administration of cross-sex hormones, which are know to have long-term and dangerous side-effects, most of which have yet to even be studied.
Our protests are highlighting that transition is experimental medicine. The harms are so severe that some countries; such as Sweden, Finland, and New Zealand are slowing down puberty blockers or have severely limited usage to controlled research studies. Meanwhile, the US, continues to push an agenda in which children are deemed to be able to consent to permanent and unknown side effects. Planned Parenthood and Plume hand out hormones to teens and young adults like candy, often on the first visit (sometimes even virtually!), with no thorough assessment, and no follow up. This medical “treatment” is pursued without any mental health therapy. Girls as young as 12 years old are having double mastectomies all over the country with no curiosity as to why. This is outrageous and nonsensical.
Our protests are also airing your other dirty little secret —detransitioners. Far from an innate characteristic, “gender” is based on harmful sex stereotypes. Some who walk down the path to transitions later change their minds and detransition, often bearing the lifelong mental and physical scars to show for it. Your lies and hurt their bodies only to realize that you took advantage of their pain.
As more of us lift the veil of fear, our protests will grow. You won’t be able to shout us down or ignore us. We cannot remain silent knowing that medical facilities are butchering our children for profit.
We will shine a light on your toxic orthodoxy. We will not let you indoctrinate our children in the trans religion. We are an unstoppable force, peacefully— but inexorably—coming for you.
Originally published at https://pitt.substack.com/p/we-will-not-be-silent-any-more reproduced by kind permission.