16-Year-Old, Josh Alexander Takes a Courageous Stand for Religious Freedoms & Against Gender Ideology.
In November of 2022 16-year-old Renfrew County High School student, Josh Alexander bravely raised his voice in defence of the reality of biological sex and his ardent Christian beliefs. This initiated a highly publicized stand off with his school, law enforcement and with the invasive “gender” ideology that demands our compliance and attempts to compel our speech.
In his Catholic high school, during a politically charged debate that started in Josh’s Grade 11 Law class and carried over to his math class, the Canadian teen dared to speak the truth- that there are only two sexes. In response, he was peppered with vehement accusations of “bigotry” and “transphobia” from several students and, astonishingly, from his allied teachers as well.
Josh had transferred to the Catholic School District from the Public District that school year and with him came a bit of a reputation after having organized student protests in support of the Truckers’ Convoy. Knowing this, several of his female peers had approached him on more than one occasion prior to the “no debate” debate regarding their serious discomfort with male students “self-identifying” as girls in order to use their washrooms and changerooms. Within the lingering heat of the day’s events, the teenager took the opportunity to make a formal complaint to the principal on behalf of the girls, and in defence of his deeply held Christian beliefs.
Josh quickly received the first of his suspensions, one that would end up lasting for 20 days, not just for asking for safety and privacy for his female classmates and reiterating that there are only two sexes but, in true Orwellian fashion, for “not recanting”.

Though the 16-year-old was not being suspended for any violent act, but essentially for not being a believer in transgender ideology, he was told that his continued attendance would be “detrimental to the physical & mental well being of transgender students”. Josh was also informed by his principal that he could only return to school if he agreed to “exclude himself from his two afternoon classes because those classes are attended by two transgender students who disapprove of Josh’s religious beliefs.”
Persisting in his drive for justice despite the suspension and the coercive pressure from his principal, Josh attempted to organize a student walk-out in December of 2022 to challenge the school’s refusal to address the safety and privacy of its female students. Two days before the walk-out was scheduled to take place, Josh’s suppressive suspension from his Catholic high school was extended. The protest’s would-be participants were strictly encouraged not to attend, both through verbal classroom warnings and with the example that had been made of its organizer.
On February 6, 2023, upon delinquently returning to school after hiring a lawyer who found no legal basis for the ongoing suspension, Josh was shadowed by his vice principal, repeatedly told to leave, and at the end of the day, arrested and given a trespassing notice along with a suspension for the remainder of the school year. Arguably, a religious high school in a Democratic country whose Charter of Rights and Freedoms should protect students’ freedom of religious expression as well as their right to peacefully protest has chosen to ignore all of this, while offering luxuries and favour to students who participate in gender ideology.

Despite what has become a highly publicized, legally onerous, and enduring fight for freedom of religion and speech for the Grade 11 student, Josh refuses to speak the lie being dictated to him by school officials, our society, and our Canadian government. Instead, he has committed himself to seeking legal justice for discrimination against his religious beliefs and to publicly speaking the truth.
Josh heads up a Christian youth organization called Save Canada which continues to push back against gender ideology, calling out the egregiousness of its stronghold on our country’s children and adolescents. Two days after his trespassing arrest, the group attended the protest of a “Drag Queen Story Hour” outside an Ottawa public library. Though heavily outnumbered by at least three unrestrained TQ (trans/queer) lobby groups, the teenager was arrested once again for using a megaphone to speak out about the indoctrinating adult themed event targeting children inside the library walls. This arrest saw the minor student held in an OPP cruiser for hours, taken to another part of the city, and simply dropped off without parental presence, contact or consent.
Throughout the police pressure and the relentless efforts made by Josh’s school to stop this young man from freely stating his religious beliefs concerning the politically padlocked topic of transgenderism, Josh’s story began to gain international media attention.
Recently, a Twitter account called “The Rabbit Hole” posted a Toronto Sun expose about Josh’s arrest drawing the attention of Twitter President, Elon Musk, who responded with, “Kids were put in jail for This?” This vocal Canadian high school student is showing the world the absolute dominance of the “trans” agenda in Canada, creating a space for more young people to stand up and follow his undaunted lead.

Though we are an organization void of political or religious affiliations, Our Duty Canada supports this brave 16-year-old Christian’s right to speak freely and to participate in an education free of gender ideology and aggressive attacks on his religious beliefs. Josh Alexander’s “crime” is not believing and his punishment seems to be anything our omnipresent Canadian government can do to silence him.
With the help of Liberty Coalition Canada, Josh started a petition in support of religious freedoms over the protocols of this invasive ideology and in support of the sex-based rights of Canadian students.
Sign the Petition:
Please consider supporting Josh in his legal battle with his school, in defence of his religious freedom and against gender ideology itself.
Donate Here: https://t.co/6Y07hNnWRn