In the United Kingdom, planning permission is required to fly any flag that is not explicitly recognised. The so-called ‘Progress Pride’ flag requires planning permission, whereas the traditional pride flag does not. Quite right, too.

It is, therefore, possible to ask the local planning authority to enforce the planning laws as relates to the offensive racist and homophobic flag. Any artefact that seems to uphold the legitimacy of transgenderism is psychologically harmful to children. Consequently, the ‘progress pride’ flag should never be seen in or around schools.

The progress pride flag can be seen flying at any time of the year. However, it becomes almost ubiquitous during ‘Pride Season’ which seems to last all summer.

This is a letter that can be used to challenge the flying of inappropriate flags:

Dear XXX Planning Department

We are aware that that the building XXX at XXX address is flying the Progress Pride Flag (seen on XX date). Please see attached photograph. This flag is not explicitly permitted by legislation and therefore requires consent from the local planning authority. Please confirm that permission has been granted for the display of this flag.

If the individual or business does not have consent, please request they to take the flag down until they have consent or replace with the permissible “Rainbow flag (6 horizontal equal stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet)”.

The regulations are outlined in this Government publication:

Subject to compliance with the standard conditions, there are 3 categories of flag:
(a) flags which can be flown without consent of the local planning authority
(b) flags which do not need consent provided they comply with further restrictions (referred to as “deemed consent” in the Regulations)
(c) flags which require consent (“express consent”)

We look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully

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