Our Duty calls upon candidates for the United Kingdom General Election to be held on 4th July 2024 to sign this pledge to protect vulnerable adolescents and uphold women’s rights.

In summary, committing to implement these five actions will remove the legitimacy afforded to harmful gender identity ideology thereby removing any authority – real or imagined – claimed by potential victims (mainly adolescent children) or potential abusers (mainly middle-aged men) in pursuing their harmful actions.

Write to your candidates

We urge every UK voter to contact their local candidates to find out where they stand on child protection and adolescent safeguarding.

Find out their names and email addresses at www.whocanivotefor.co.uk

Say something to introduce yourself – if you’ve written before, talked on the doorstep, or voted for them or their party. Mention that you are member or supporter of Our Duty.

Add your personal reason for this issue being important to you.

Let us know of any replies.

Comments are open on this post, and parliamentary candidates are encouraged to respond.

The Pledge for Protection is also available as a PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD and we encourage every UK citizen to have copies to give to any canvassers during the campaign.

UK General Election
Parliamentary Candidate
Pledge for Protection:
Safeguarding Adolescents and Upholding Women’s Rights

As a parliamentary candidate, I commit to the following principles and actions to ensure the protection of vulnerable adolescents and the upholding of women’s rights:

  1. Repeal the Gender Recognition Act
    • Commitment: I pledge to advocate for and support the full repeal of the Gender Recognition Act, restoring the recognition of sex based on biological reality and ensuring clarity in legal definitions.
  2. Remove ‘Gender Reassignment’ from the Equality Act
    • Commitment: I pledge to work towards the removal of ‘gender reassignment’ as a protected characteristic from the Equality Act, ensuring that protections are based on immutable biological sex rather than self-definition.
  3. Reclassify Gender Medicine as Elective and Cosmetic
    • Commitment: I pledge to support the reclassification of gender medicine, including hormone treatments and surgeries, as elective and cosmetic procedures. This will ensure these treatments are less likely to be given to vulnerable persons and are not funded or promoted as essential healthcare.
  4. Implement Cass Review Recommendations
    • Commitment: I pledge to actively promote the full implementation of the Cass Review recommendations to ensure safe, evidence-based, and ethical approaches to transgender ideation in young people. This includes thorough mental health assessments and support rather than immediate medical intervention.
  5. Expedite Review into Adult Gender Services
    • Commitment: I pledge to expedite a comprehensive review into adult gender services to address current shortcomings, ensure patient safety, and promote evidence-based practices in the treatment of transgender ideation.

By signing this pledge, I commit to prioritising the well-being and rights of vulnerable adolescents and women in all legislative actions and policies. Together, we can create a safer, fairer society.


37 thoughts on “Pledge for Protection

    1. Yes I pledge to support your campaign. I am standing in Bournemouth West with The Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA)
      God bless you
      Julie Vivienne

  1. I am standing for the Alba Party in Glasgow North. I support your campaign and am happy to stand behind it. My party has called for a Cass Review compliance test for public programmes and I believe that what has been happening to children, especially same sex attracted, autistic and care experienced girls, is one of the worst examples of medical malpractice of our era. That it is driven by fanatical ideology, not clinical best practice, and ideology I believe to be misogynist to its core, is outrage that must be met with justice for its many victims. I wish your campaign all the best, and if I can do anything to help with my own platform in this election, please let me know.

    1. You brave man. I hope your party won’t discriminate against you with based views such as these.

  2. I give my support for your campaign and pledge to protect women, children, and vulnerable adolescents if I am elected as Member of Parliament for the Manchester Central constituency.

  3. I support you 100% in your campaign. Child safeguarding NEEDS to be taken seriously and Tavistock is a scandal.

  4. I pledge to protect women, children, and vulnerable adolescents and support your work.

    Westham and Beckton
    Christian Peoples Alliance

  5. SDP Candidate for Sevenoaks.
    You can find our position at sdp.org.uk/manifesto – we are fully in agreement with the need to draw firm lines, here. However, we believe there is more work to be done to bring the law back to reality. A simple repeal of the GRA is likely to prove unworkable. We have constructive ideas about what reform of the GRA might look like that I would be delighted to discuss with you.

  6. Whereas the wording of your pledges don’t totally match what I would work towards in Parliament. I support the essence of what you do. Specifically a return to (1) an understanding of male/female biological sex only and (2) evidence based medical response (for any area of medicine actuallly!)

  7. Hi I am standing as an Independent candidate in Wycombe. I support your campaign for the protection of the young people you refer to.

  8. Your work is very important as it adds to parental efforts made on this topic in the last few years when clearly we are yet to find a right formula to deal with this issue
    Definitely supporting your efforts and look forward to get informed throughout
    Best, Zok

  9. I support the five points in your Safeguarding Adolescents and Upholding Women’s Rights pledge
    Steve Unwin
    Candidate for Christchurch (and East Dorset) for the UK Independence Party (UKIP)

  10. I fully support your campaign. I am disabled and so is my daughter. We have the right to same sex wards and same sex intimate care, should we need it. Our safety and dignity is at stake. Statistics from across the world show that disabled women are, at least, twice as likely to be raped as able bodied women. I have witnessed horrific threats and attacks online against severely disabled women who have stated that they want to choose the sex of the person washing their bodies. I have also read claims that women have been denied care for asking for only people that have been born female to come and do their care. This needs to stop!
    Thank you for the work you are doing!
    Angie Campion
    Independent candidate in Richmond and Northallerton

  11. My name is James Bush, the Reform UK candidate for Burton and Uttoxeter.
    I oppose totally and absolutely all gender ideology and I wholeheartedly support your campaign.
    Humans are mammals: male and female.
    There are no other genders.
    I consider that attempts to convince children to “change gender” is a form of child abuse.

  12. As the Reform UK candidate for Welwyn Hatfield, I pledge to support your campaign, but as part of a move to reclassify transgenderism as a mental health issue that must be treated with compassion by our society. I would see the postmodernist term ‘gender reassignment’ removed, but would see the same category of people protected in a different way, with the addition of a ‘Mental Health Issues’ category. What this means is that people with identity disorders that bring them great hardship won’t be discriminated against in terms of employment, access to education, etc., but also cannot misuse the Equality Act to gain entry into women’s spaces, in the same way a person without legs or arms cannot misuse the Equality Act to be employed as a fireman. It’ll also serve to destigmatise mental health issues, the stigma of which is the reason gender identity disorder was re-labelled to gender dysphoria in the DSM in the first place.

  13. I’m standing in Guildford as the Reform UK candidate, and totally support your cause. With extremely rare medical exceptions, everybody has chromosones which are either xy (male) or xx (female) sex,
    Dennis Saunders

  14. I am the SDP candidate for Brighton Pavilion and proudly sign this pledge to support vulnerable groups, in particular for this case, young, often homosexual or neurodivergent children, who are not getting the care they need.

  15. I am the Heritage Party candidate for South West Norfolk and I am proud to sign this pledge. I believe that the State should recognise trans as a mental health condition, similar in nature to anorexia whereby the sufferer holds delusional beliefs that there is something wrong with their body. We should no more encourage drastic surgical or chemical interventions for those who believe their body is the wrong sex than we would encourage an anorexic person who believes they are grossly fat to have a stomach band and lose weight.

    The State, in any of its forms including education and healthcare, should certainly not be encouraging or enabling gender transition in children. From the Heritage Party manifesto:

    “School children should not be exposed to unscientific nonsense like queer theory or gender fluidity. It is a scientific fact that there are two sexes: male and female, which are determined by anatomy and chromosomes. Previously on the fringe of radical thought, gender ideology has been mainstreamed to the detriment of children’s well-being. Transgender propaganda which confuses children about their biological sex and damages their natural development as boys or girls should not be allowed in schools.” http://www.heritageparty.org/manifesto

    Adults are entitled to believe whatever they like about themselves, but the State should not be tearing up fundamental truths and social norms in order to accommodate them.

  16. As a independent candidate and being on record while a member of the Alba Party I wrote 2 motions which became party policy. Men Must Support Equality and Empowering Parents and Protecting Children.

    I also ready support clarifying the Equality Act so that Sex is clearly referring to biological sex. So I am happy to support your campaign. I would simply raise a concern about repealing legislation. I would want to see legal advice on possible consequences before such a move. However every parent should know I share your concerns and I want to see proper safeguards and parents having the power to refuse permission to teach controversial and potentially harmful material. I am standing in Edinburgh West

  17. I stand with you and support you.
    I am standing for the General Elections with the Scottish family party in Edinburgh North and Leith and i 100% support your campaign, what you are doing and stand for goes hand in hand with our policies, Let’s make a difference for the good together,

  18. My name is Des Coke, I am standing as a candidate in The 2024 General Elections in the Mitcham and Morden constituency. I am in support of the work that you do. I believe it is imperative to protect children, vulnerable people especially within schools and society.

  19. I pledge and stand by you, in this campaign.

    I am the Social Democratic Party (SDP) candidate for the constituency of Luton North.

    The SDP has a number of policy commitments and values set out in the ‘Sex-based rights’ section of our published manifesto.

  20. I wholeheartedly support each and every one of the bullet points in your pledge without reservation.
    Moreover, I applaud you for this initiative to restore some sanity to a debate which has strayed so far from the long-established norms of biological and scientific reality as to be rather scary.

    I am The Heritage Party candidate for Rochester and Strood. Please take a look at our manifesto here – I believe it has many other common sense policies within it: https://heritageparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Values-Manifesto-v6a.pdf

  21. My name is Sarah and I am standing for the Heritage Party in Watford. The Heritage Party and myself are 100% behind your cause.

  22. You have my support in a contested area. Whilst respecting everyone’s often difficult choices in life, it seems to me that more and more evidence is emerging of the harm being caused, which suggests there should be a pause on further medical treatment, whilst different approaches are considered. In light of all of this, if elected (Green Party) I will do my utmost to protect children and vulnerable adults, especially women, many of them being lesbians or autistic.

  23. Hi,

    I’m standing in Bathgate and Linlithgow constituency.
    I am determined to ensure safeguarding for children and young adults and support your work.

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