The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

There is no doubt that the recently published Cass Review will have global ramifications for the provision of healthcare to young people presenting with the feelings often labelled ‘gender dysphoria’. While many of us have known the unpalatable facts around so-called ‘gender affirming care’ for years, it was always the case that these facts needed presenting to politicians and regulators in a format that they could swallow by someone with appropriate credentials. We knew from the outset that the Cass Review would not be perfect, it was established with terms of reference to seek a consensus.

Dr Hilary Cass, an esteemed paediatrician, was commissioned to review the provision of healthcare to children claiming gender dysphoria in 2020. An interim report was published in February 2022, and the final report in April 2024.

The New York Times published an interview with her on 13th May:

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So, the good news is that we know the hugely influential Endocrine Society and American Academy Pediatrics have been called out in the New York Times. It is only a matter of time before their members accept that their current position cannot be defended.

What about the bad news? Well, the Endocrine Society and American Academy Pediatrics have responded by attempting to defend their positions – their inevitable volte face will clearly take some time. All the while medics will proceed with harming our adolescent kids.

This in The Washington Examiner offers some hope.

Unfortunately, Dr Cass continues to maintain that some people benefit from medical treatments. Even though there are no physical benefits, and no evidence for any psychological benefits. In perpetuating the myth of ‘true trans’, Dr Cass has hindered the job of parents – we know that our children will claim to be the rare cases for whom these mystical benefits apply.

And the ugly? Well, if you can make sense of this aberration in the 388-page report, then you’d best volunteer for our education team!

“Biological factors

8.5 For many centuries transgender people have been predominantly trans females, commonly presenting in adulthood. Some transgender adults describe being aware of their gender incongruence and/or being gender dysphoric from childhood.”

One of the most common criticisms of The Cass Review is that it used the language of the pro-transgender lobby, which as we know, is designed to be obfuscatory.

All in all, though, we welcome this review. It is now the new baseline upon which we can build our case for more clarity, rationality, honesty, and ethics from those we employ to look after our health and wellbeing, and that of our children.

The pressure in health services in the USA to see the writing on the wall for so-called ‘gender affirming care’ is growing. This opinion piece titled “Why Is the U.S. Still Pretending We Know Gender-Affirming Care Works?” in the New York Times from 12th July helps greatly:

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More US Coverage:

In Boston, the home of the first US pediatric gender clinic, the city’s biggest newspaper surprised many by publishing an opinion piece that praised the Review.  Psychology Today, usually hugely pro-“affirmative care”, did the same.  The strongly positive pieces in the NYPost were welcome, although less surprising, since the Post has published other more open-minded pieces.  But even the NYTimes has allowed favorable mention of the Review. 

And in Congress, a Texas Congressman very effectively insisted to the testifying US Secretary of Health and Human Services that the HHS must acknowledge the important findings of the Cass Review and reevaluate its position on youth gender medicalization, based on the Review findings.

The US Needs a Bipartisan, Open-minded Gender Medicine Commission

4-15-24, Selin Davis (Boston Globe)

We were pushed to transition as teens — now we’re ‘vindicated’ by study showing kids grow out of it

4-16-24, Rikki Schlott (NYPost)

Detransitioners speak about the publication of the Cass Report

‘Non-binary, neurodivergent’ activist ordering psychiatrists to push ‘gender affirming’ surgery over therapy

4-17-24, Gerald Posner (NYPost)

 The Courage to Follow the Evidence on Transgender Care

4-18-24, David Brooks (New York Times)

We shall be keeping a close eye on how The Cass Review influences policy around the world.

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