This is possibly the most shocking story concerning the gender transition of a young person that we know of.
Robert Hoogland is facing a jail sentence for the “crime” of trying to protect his daughter from being transitioned by the state.
The Canadian court in British Columbia has placed reporting restrictions on this case, forcing the media to call him “CD”
The following text is a press release from Rob’s lawyer:
Father of trans child facing prison over acts of civil disobedience.
A local father denied rights to protect trans identified teen risks prison for warning parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria in young girls.
In the Supreme and Appeal courts of British Columbia he challenged the guardian denying law. He confronted trans supportive health care professionals. They had denied him guardianship rights to stop an anti scientific experimental program of injecting puberty blockers and testosterone in his 14-year-old child. The child claimed to be suffering from gender dysphoria and was convinced they were the wrong gender for their sex. The child believed what their school’s SOGI program preached: change of gender and sex is the best antidote to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
The father is now facing criminal contempt of court and possibly prison brought by the application of the Attorney General of British Columbia, David Eby.
The allegation is the father breached orders banning the publication of aspects of his case. He regards the orders as a breach of his Charter of Rights and Freedoms to free speech.
The father feels mainstream media has shown no serious intertest in the issues involved.
In such circumstances he regards himself uniquely a person to draw public attention to the spreading craze of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria in girls.
The father will tell the court if he is held to have breached any orders he did so in full knowledge and expectation of consequences including imprisonment. He believes parents of young girls need to be warned of the serious proven medical and emotional risks to their daughters from school programs and doctors at the Gender Clinic at Children’s Hospital Vancouver.
It is believed this is the first-time criminal contempt, as opposed to the more common civil contempt, has been brought against a parent in any family court in Canada. The first appearance on the criminal contempt applications will be heard in open court at 10:00 am on Wednesday September 2 at the law courts in Vancouver. The style of cause in the case is AB v CD and EF court file number E190334.
Following the hearing on 2nd September, in which the case was given a new date of 14th December 2020, both Rob and his lawyer, Carey Linde, gave an interview to Dan Dicks of ‘Press for Truth’.

In this interview given to Dan Dicks of Press for Truth on 3rd August our brave father explains the background:

Robert Hoogland’s Crowdfunder:
Dan Dicks Interview:
Frank Vaughan Webpage:
Full background articles, interviews and judgments on the case and the father can be found here:
Action 4 Canada
C.D., the father fighting in family court to be able to talk publicly about all the aspects of his child’s court ordered gender transitioning, will be at the Vancouver Law Courts this coming Tuesday March 16 at 10 am to be criminally arrested for breaching court orders limiting his freedom of speech. The proceedings will be before Mr Justice Tammen.
This criminal charge is separate and apart from the application by the Atty. Gen. in the family file for a finding the father is in criminal contempt of different breaches of the same court orders. The hearing on that application is scheduled to commence Tuesday, April 13 for four days.
On March 16 the father will plead not guilty, a further date will be set in that matter for a trial, , and he will seek release on his own recognizance. The Crown may ask for a dollar amount for bail or that he beheld in custody.
The proceeding on March 16, and the proceeding in April, will be in person, open to the public and media both in person and video hookup.