Do your instincts tell you that a ‘sex-change’ is an extreme solution for a problem which probably exists in the mind?
Our duty is to bring our children to adulthood healthy in body and mind.
Our Duty has no religious or political affiliation. Our mission to help parents does not discriminate. A great many children who consider themselves transgender would, if they avoid transition, grow out of their feelings of dysphoria, anxiety and depression. Some might find that they are homosexual.
There are useful resources online that can help provide parents with information, such as Transgender Trend
However, parents need more than excellent information.
Parents need to know that they are not alone. They need to know that there are other parents who feel the same as they do – that medical transition is harmful, that there really is no such thing as a transgender child.
Often, parents just need somebody to talk to.
Our Duty was formed in December 2018 to address that need.
We have grown in size and influence since then.
In October 2019 we took our case to The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, that, and our parents’ support meeting the same week received coverage in The Sunday Times:

We provide support and advocacy for parents who want to protect their children from harm.
We challenge the authorities and organisations that facilitate this harm and encourage them to change.
We organise real-world meetings (usually monthly) and online meetings (weekly and ad-hoc).
You can find us on Twitter at @OurDutyGrp
You can find us on Facebook
Our Linked In page: