Our Duty is a group of parents and their supporters who know that the medical pathway for young people with gender dysphoria is harmful. We support each other and work to improve the provision of beneficial healthcare for our families.
Our Duty is to protect our children from serious harm
If you have a child who is gender non-conforming – great! However, if such a child starts believing that they are not of their sex, then there is a problem.
Sex is determined at fertilisation and is immutable – it cannot be changed.
However, young people get to believe that they are a different ‘gender’ through the deliberate obfuscation of language by those who promote ‘transgenderism’. In effect, they are groomed and brainwashed into a belief system. We explain all this in detail, with references to hard science in our Information section.
Our Duty is to share the evidence
This group was formed with the primary intention of supporting parents who want to protect their children from harm.
We believe that it is important that parents of young people affected by post-pubertal gender dysphoria (also called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD) know they are not alone. We hold regular meetings where parents can share stories with others who know this grief and who understand the severity of their situation.

Our Duty is to support each other
If you have a child on the pathway to transition, it is stressful and harrowing for all concerned. It is worth considering from the outset, that your child is not doing this to themselves – this is being done to them. We must continue to love our children and provide a route back out of this nightmare whilst also refusing to ‘affirm’. This is a difficult balancing act – there is no handbook, yet; active members of this group will probably end up writing it!

Our Duty is to ‘do something’
For a parent caught up in this grim nightmare, knowing that the state is complicit is harming our children is a difficult truth to accept. We can feel so helpless and wronged. The Our Duty Group provides a constructive outlet for those feelings that a parent’s duty is to do something. United, we can find solutions to the challenges we face, we can exert more power on those who can change ‘the system’. Join us and do something – at the very least you’ll feel better for it! We will fix this because we are right, we are indignant, and because we care.
Our Duty is a Duty of Care

Our duty is to bring our children to adulthood healthy in body and mind.