Open Letter to Detransitioners and Desisters Dear Friends, We are reaching out to you with a sincere request to share your experiences as part of a project designed to help others questioning their path. Many young people today are caught in a web of confusion, pressured by ideology and misinformation into making life-altering decisions. Your … Continue reading Detransitioners and Desisters for Doubters (3D Project)
Trump signs executive order protecting children from gender medicine
PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM CHEMICAL AND SURGICAL MUTILATION On January 28, 2025, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order titled "Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation," aiming to halt medical interventions on minors that are intended to alter sex-traits in the name of so-called ‘gender affirmative care’. The order asserts that such procedures, including … Continue reading Trump signs executive order protecting children from gender medicine
Queensland Takes Bold Action on Hormone Therapy for Minors
In a significant move aimed at safeguarding children, the Queensland government has announced an immediate freeze on hormone therapy for new patients under 18. This decision follows revelations from a Cairns gender clinic, where children as young as 12 were reportedly prescribed puberty blockers without parental consent or sufficient medical oversight. The review marks a … Continue reading Queensland Takes Bold Action on Hormone Therapy for Minors
At the turn of the year…
Looking back and looking forward. It is that time of year, again (number seven since we parents started getting organised in 2018), when we look at what progress we have made and what challenges lie ahead.For individual families, our stories are palpably different now we know so much more about how to handle transgender ideation … Continue reading At the turn of the year…
Reframing the Debate: From ‘Gender Dysphoria’ to ‘Transgender Ideation’
Accuracy in language is important for safeguarding The language we use to discuss complex social issues often shapes the policies and interventions designed to address them. Nowhere is this more evident than in the discourse surrounding transgender identification. Terms like "gender dysphoria" and "gender incongruence" have dominated discussions, reinforcing a medicalized view of transgender identification … Continue reading Reframing the Debate: From ‘Gender Dysphoria’ to ‘Transgender Ideation’
The Impossibility of an Ethical Clinical Trial on Puberty Blockers
We call for plans for a trial to be abandoned. The clinical trial investigating the use of puberty blockers in children and adolescents, as heralded in The Cass Review, has reignited debates around the ethical and legal frameworks underpinning such research. Drawing on the principles of medical ethics, associated laws, and insights from critical analyses … Continue reading The Impossibility of an Ethical Clinical Trial on Puberty Blockers
United States vs Skrmetti
Why Skrmetti is Important for Parents Fighting Gender Ideology The United States Department of Justice has picked a fight with Jonathan Skrmetti, the Attorney General of Tennessee. The case will be heard on December 4th 2024United States v. Skrmetti may appear at first glance to be a straightforward legal challenge to Tennessee’s SB1, a law banning gender-transition procedures … Continue reading United States vs Skrmetti
Our Duty Initial Response to the Charity Commission Inquiry into Mermaids
Our Duty, as the ethical and objective alternative to Mermaids in the UK, welcomes the findings of the Charity Commission's inquiry into Mermaids and the concerns raised about its governance and safeguarding failures. For years, we have expressed deep apprehension regarding the ideological influence Mermaids has wielded, particularly in promoting medical transitions for children without … Continue reading Our Duty Initial Response to the Charity Commission Inquiry into Mermaids
UK General Practitioners to Stop Prescribing Gender Hormones
It seems that the climate for medicalising transgender ideation is continuing to change in the UK after the publication of The Cass Review. While this report applies to just one medical practice, the precedent has been set, and others are sure to follow. A patient of one UK medical practice reports receiving a letter explaining … Continue reading UK General Practitioners to Stop Prescribing Gender Hormones
Teachers or Parents:
Who is responsible for raising the next generation? A new report by Civitas, authored by Joanna Williams, and titled “Teachers or Parents?”, critically examines the increasing influence of controversial social and political ideologies in UK schools, with a particular focus on gender identity and race. It argues that teachers are overstepping their role by promoting … Continue reading Teachers or Parents: