Call for Articles

Help us spread the word. We would like to publish the following articles on our website. Resource limitations mean that we cannot write all of them, at least not at the urgency required. Why gender identity should not be conflated with sexual orientation.A real exposition of the suicide statistics (it is transgender regretters who are … Continue reading Call for Articles

Research Updates – Summer 2020

In a short thread on Twitter, renowned Harry Potter author JK Rowling neatly summarised these new papers: NHS identity clinics have been functioning as if acting outside the ordinary requirement of good medical and psychiatric practice.Some may dismiss this paper by experienced psychoanalyst Marcus Evans, but they do so at their own peril.Freedom to ThinkIt … Continue reading Research Updates – Summer 2020

Gender Ideology

This is an excellent documentary by 'The State Media' explaining the ins and outs of Gender Ideology. When the video is available on YouTube (activists are trying to get it removed) it can be found here: If the full two and half hours is a bit much to watch in one go, the … Continue reading Gender Ideology

Canada bullies dutiful parent

This is possibly the most shocking story concerning the gender transition of a young person that we know of. Robert Hoogland is facing a jail sentence for the "crime" of trying to protect his daughter from being transitioned by the state. The Canadian court in British Columbia has placed reporting restrictions on this case, forcing … Continue reading Canada bullies dutiful parent

Close-up of external signage at The Tavistock Centre

Informed Consent

Keira Bell is a detransitoner – a young woman who used to be transgender but has since desisted from the medication and behaviours associated with transgenderism. In January 2020 Keira joined the legal action being pursued by Susan Evans, a former employee of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), and a parent "A" of a … Continue reading Informed Consent

Aaron on Becoming

This article originated as a Twitter thread by Francis Aaron and is reproduced here by kind permission. As a unique amalgam of Nietzschean philosophy and satirical rap, it manages somehow to explain to the wider world what we non-affirming parents 'just know' but find difficult to explain ourselves. This is the first line in … Continue reading Aaron on Becoming

The Tavistock Centre

Freedom to think

the need for thorough assessment and treatment of gender dysphoric children Copyright: © Marcus Evans 2020 Summary Referrals (particularly natal female) to gender identity clinics have increased significantly in recent years. Understanding the reasons for this increase, and how to respond, is hampered by a politically charged debate regarding gender identity. This article starts with … Continue reading Freedom to think

ROGD Week 2020

This year ROGD Week runs from 20-26 July What is ROGD? Find out about Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria here. #ROGDWeek2020 is an opportunity to raise the profile of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) on social media. It is now two years since Lisa Littman published her paper exploring the phenomenon of post-pubertal gender transition in young … Continue reading ROGD Week 2020

Newsletter – July 2020

Debate and Sunlight Our June Newsletter briefly mentioned the furore from believers of gender ideology around some tweets made by JK Rowling before concentrating on the Newsnight documentary about safeguarding concerns at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. This month, in almost a mirror image, our report can briefly mention that Newsnight documentary before … Continue reading Newsletter – July 2020

Safeguarding Campaign

Our Duty is encouraging everybody with social networking profiles, to use the shield emoji 🛡️ whenever commenting on safeguarding matters. Include it in your profile e.g. on Twitter if you believe the safeguarding of our youth is of utmost importance. What is safeguarding? Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of … Continue reading Safeguarding Campaign