Safeguarding Campaign

Our Duty is encouraging everybody with social networking profiles, to use the shield emoji 🛡️ whenever commenting on safeguarding matters. Include it in your profile e.g. on Twitter if you believe the safeguarding of our youth is of utmost importance. What is safeguarding? Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of … Continue reading Safeguarding Campaign

Happy Birthday J.K.Rowling

Did you know that JK Rowling’s and Harry Potter’s birthdays are coming up soon? Many of us have felt heartened and grateful for JK Rowling’s recent contributions to the discussion around gender ideology. Rowling shares a birthday with her beloved literary progeny – July 31. Harry Potter fans will recall that the boy wizard receives … Continue reading Happy Birthday J.K.Rowling

Irreversible Damage

The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters Abigail Shrier, a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, has written a serious and thorough book examining the peer contagion of girls deciding they are "transgender". Under the influence of friends and social-media influencers, entire groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across … Continue reading Irreversible Damage

Newsletter – June 2020

Debate and Sunlight As the dust settles on the earth shattering revelation that renowned Harry Potter author JK Rowling knows that there are two sexes, the world of gender ideology is once again shaken to its foundations by the BBC current affairs programme, Newsnight. We knew the medical investigations team at Newsnight were interested in … Continue reading Newsletter – June 2020

Close-up of external signage at The Tavistock Centre

BBC Newsnight – Safeguarding Concerns

Clinicians reported worries that some patients were referred onto a gender transitioning pathway too quickly.Clinicians were discouraged from voicing concerns about children’s welfare to lead safeguarding officer & referring cases where they feared abuse to social services BBC Newsnight - June 18th 2020 Newsnight report on the failures of GIDS (NHS gender identity service). … Continue reading BBC Newsnight – Safeguarding Concerns

The Tavistock Centre

Meeting the Tavistock

Parents with children affected by gender incongruence have an opportunity to have their voices heard at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. The Tavistock is home to both GIDS (The Gender Identity Development Service - the service for children under 18) and GIC (The Gender Identity Clinic - the service for adults). Today, 11th … Continue reading Meeting the Tavistock

Australia to investigate autism link

Health ministers in charge of children’s hospital transgender clinics across Australia should take responsibility for investigating the overrepresentation of teenage patients with autism, according to federal Health Minister Greg Hunt. Mr Hunt’s intervention follows reports in The Australian that a leading authority on Asperger’s syndrome, Tony Attwood, wants an inquiry into the autism trend, and … Continue reading Australia to investigate autism link

Autism link to Trans Identities

This piece by Bernard Lane in The Australian is a thorough report on how autistic children and adolescents can be misdiagnosed as being transgender. Archive Link:

The Tavistock Centre

NHS Updates Guidance James Kirkup asks: Given that the NHS now says that hormone therapy for gender-variant children has unknown long-term effects on the physical and mental health of those children, why is the NHS still using such treatments on children? And we would add… Why is the NHS still using such treatments on adolescents and young … Continue reading NHS Updates Guidance

Stephanie Davies-Arai Stephanie is interviewed by Kellie-Jay Keen Stephanie Davies-Arai is a communication skills trainer with over 20 years’ experience working with parents and in schools. She is author of Communicating with Kids and has contributed chapters to three books on the subject of ‘transgender children’. She has spoken at events around the UK, including in … Continue reading Stephanie Davies-Arai