LGB Alliance has become known internationally as the first LGB organisation to challenge the dogma of gender identity and to fire up the struggle to protect the rights of people with a same-sex sexual orientation. It has focused especially on protecting the rights of lesbians, which are under extreme pressure at this time. https://lgballiance.org.uk/
Lily Maynard
Lily's daughter identified as a boy and has since desisted. Lily's experience, and her ability to write at length and in detail about the issues, renders her website a very useful resource for parents who find themselves in a similar situation. http://lilymaynard.com/
In Australia
Health Minister Greg Hunt remains silent on whether there will be a probe into transgender health care in Australia. The issue is not going away. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/hunt-keeps-mum-on-his-veto-of-probe-into-trans-kids-treatment/news-story/e8ac16080f335168563f49c1a1b13d64
Our Duty at The Tavistock
Parents from Our Duty were not the first to confront The Tavistock about what was going on at their gender clinics. However, our attendance happened at a pivotal time, we found governors sympathetic to our point of view, and the questions we raised were subsequently aired in flagship media: The Sunday Times and BBC Newsnight.The … Continue reading Our Duty at The Tavistock
Leave kids alone
In this article, Eva Kurilova makes the case for acceptance of gender non-conformity while rejecting medical interventions https://medium.com/@evakurilova/protect-gender-non-conforming-kids-by-leaving-them-alone-8bd4472ac79c
School Accused of Brainwashing
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8112841/Our-13-ye… This is a turning point. That Ashleigh and Ged Barnett felt able to go public is quite something.
Longitudinal Outcomes of Gender Identity in Children (LOGIC) is a longitudinal study exploring the development of gender identity in children and young people aged between 3 and 13 years at the start of the study. Conducted in the UK, the study began in 2019 and is following participating families at three time points over a … Continue reading LOGIC Study
Commentary from Scotland
Are unscientific ideas about gender causing irreparable harm to children’s lives? – Murdo Fraser https://www.scotsman.com/health/are-unscientific-ideas-about-gender-causing-irreparable-harm-childrens-lives-murdo-fraser-2446013 The Scottish Government should call a halt to proposed reform of the Gender Recognition Act in order to consider the evidence more carefully, writes Murdo Fraser.
Ellie and Nele: A Detransiton Tale
Professor John Whitehall
https://youtu.be/8PbjxU-Db3w The New Ideology of Gender Fluidity A talk given by Professor John Whitehall to the Australian Parliament. It makes reference to the bill being considered by Queensland to outlaw co-called 'conversion therapy' as well as to the UK Judicial Review case against The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. Overall, this talk is a clear … Continue reading Professor John Whitehall