Our Duty has submitted its report to the NHS consultation on the proposed Interim Service Specification for Children and Young People with Gender Dysphoria. Key highlights are: Objectives We call for future services to be delivered with a focus on the long-term health and wellbeing of the patient (patient need).Our goals are aligned with those … Continue reading Submission made to the NHS Consultation on Interim Service Specification
Guidance for Proposed Interim Service Specification
The NHS published its proposed Interim Service Specification for the treatment of ‘gender dysphoria’ on 20th October 2022 The NHS is consulting on this Interim Service Specification for what they are calling Specialist service for children and young people with gender dysphoria (phase 1 providers) The consultation runs from 20th October 2022 to 4th December 2022 … Continue reading Guidance for Proposed Interim Service Specification
The NHS is Captured
The United Kingdom's National Health Service is 'captured' by the 'critical social justice' movement. What does this mean? Why should you be concerned? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ybkpmdGNNk Mental health nurse sues Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for religious and racial discrimination When we talk of an institution being captured, we mean that the decisions made to determine policy … Continue reading The NHS is Captured
Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
The NHS published its proposed Interim Service Specification for the treatment of 'gender dysphoria' on 20th October 2022 The NHS is consulting on this Interim Service Specification for what they are calling Specialist service for children and young people with gender dysphoria (phase 1 providers) The consultation runs from 20th October 2022 to 4th December … Continue reading Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
Report from Anaheim
The First Do No Harm Unity Rally in Anaheim, California showcased the broad support that exists for an end to so-called 'gender affirming care'. Other groups in attendance included Partners for Ethical Care, Gays Against Groomers, Lesbians United, and more. A full write-up of the day's events was written by Brad Jones of Epoch Times … Continue reading Report from Anaheim
We need to stop transing kids now
Erin Friday is a San Francisco attorney and a member of Our Duty. She is also the mother of a formerly trans-identified child. Meghan Murphy spoke with her about her experience, what the education system is teaching kids about sex and gender, and why we need to stop transing kids now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdSKBVHrizo Erin Friday talks … Continue reading We need to stop transing kids now
Chloe Cole : A Detransition Tale
Chloe Cole has become an important voice in the USA - as a champion of detransitioners and as an advocate for the ending of opposite sex imitation for young people. Chloe is an inspiration and her video, here, is inspiring. https://youtu.be/wYckRNcLVTQ Chloe Cole Chloe is a founder of DETRANS UNITED
Helen Joyce and Jordan Peterson
Helen Joyce, author of "Trans - when ideology meets reality", in discussion with Jordan Peterson, author of "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos". Available on video: Note that YouTube has taken this video down, it is now available on Twitter https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OdJrzqBopQJX And as a podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-jordan-b-peterson-podcast/id1184022695?i=1000579214694
Hope: A Detransition Tale
Hope is a female detransitioner. She was on testosterone for a little over 2 years. She also had a mastectomy which she deeply regrets. Hope is on Twitter @choromatz Hope has written a helpful thread describing her relationship with her parents and her experiences leading to where she is today: "I am happy as a … Continue reading Hope: A Detransition Tale
Erin Friday talks to Benjamin Boyce
Erin Friday's daughter suddenly identified as "trans" when she was 10 years old. After many months of patient care, and getting the girl out of the California school system, Erin's daughter left the "trans" identity aside and is now a healthy, artistic kid. But Erin's experience with California education's full-blown promotion of trans identities has … Continue reading Erin Friday talks to Benjamin Boyce