Breast binding, also known as chest binding, is the process of compressing or reducing chest tissue to make a person’s chest look flatter.
Girls will wish to bind their breasts either because they are psychologically uncomfortable with them or because they seek to imitate the opposite sex. Psychological discomfort may come from body dysmorphia, be a normal discomfort of the changes in puberty, or be driven by anxiety around the ‘male gaze’. The desire to imitate the opposite sex arises from rumination on transgender ideation, in other words a girl gets exposed to the idea that she might be transgender and then overthinks on that idea.
In the context of transgender ideation, breast binding is part of “affirming” an opposite-sex identity. This, in itself, is psychologically harmful as so is to be discouraged.
Pain in your chest, shoulders, back and/or abdomen is common.
Loss of Function
The female breast is a highly sensitive organ as well as their role in feeding a baby, they perform a function in sexual arousal and in bonding. This is because of the release of oxytocin – the hormone associated with feeling good about being with someone.
Bone Damage
As well as harming breast tissue, binders can restrict natural movement resulting in muscular pain and poor posture. If a binder is too tight, ribs can fracture. The likelihood of this happening is increased if puberty blockers or testosterone has been taken because these drugs ruin female bone density.
Restricted Breathing
If the binder is too tight, it can restrict breathing. This can cause shortness of breath which in turn can limit brain function, normal metabolism and the ability to participate in physical activity.
Skin Problems
Binding can cause skin irritation, and often chafed or broken skin. This is due to the constant pressure and friction.
The warm, moist environment created by binding can lead to the development of bacterial and fungal infections.
Subcutaneous Problems
Binding can cause bruising. Damage to the underlying tissue combined with pressure can force tissue into the ribcage. Over lengthy use this can cause significant malformation of the breast mass. This harm is permanent and in so will be a source of body dysmorphia once the patient desists or detransitions.
Overheating: Wearing a binder, especially in hot weather or during physical activity, can cause overheating.
Breast binding is neither safe nor healthy.
If a binder is used, it should always be as loose as is practicable and should not be worn for longer than 8 hours.