On The Origins of “Trans”
- Einar Wegener, aka Lili Elbe, underwent the first known set of sex-reassignment surgeries performed by German gynecologist Kurt Warnekros under the direction of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld in 1930
- Wegener died from complications from the fifth surgery in 1931, he is said to have had what we now know as Klinefelter Syndrome, a difference of sex development.
- German sexologist and physician Magnus Hirschfeld, a friend and mentor to Harry Benjamin (below), is best known for his theory of sexual intermediaries, actively advocating for many types of naturally occurring sexual variations in humans including “transvestism”. He is credited with coining the term “transvestite”
- Dr. Alfred Kinsey, an entomologist, started the Kinsey Institute in 1947 where Christine Jorgensen, the first American “transexual” was a client, later referred to Jon Money (below)
- Kinsey “studied” the “sexual arousal of children” through experiments pertaining to masturbation and by collecting “data” from convicted pedophiles, ultimately proclaiming that “children are sexual from birth”
- Kinsey’s “research” was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation who also funded Margret Sanger, the Eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood, the leading dispenser of synthetic sex hormones
- “Transexualism”, later rebranded “transgenderism” to destigmatize the term, is derived from transvestic fetishism and was used to describe autogynephilia, a paraphilia by which men become aroused at the thought of themselves as females, dressing & styling themselves in a stereotypically female fashion to satisfy a sexual compulsion
- The term “transgender” was coined by psychiatrist John F. Oliven in 1965
On “Gender”
- “Gender”, as it is widely used today, was coined by John Money in the 1960’s and is at the root of “Gender Ideology”
- Money was not a certified doctor at all
- Money is most famous for ‘transing’ a twin baby boy, David Reimer, after a failed circumcision and subsequently sexually abusing both twin boys under the guise of research causing the premature deaths of both boys in their 30’s- David by suicide and his brother by a drug overdose.
- Money began practicing “gender medicine” at Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic (1965-1979) where he performed sex reassignment surgeries on both adults & infants; the clinic was proven NOT to be evidence based or ethical and was shut down
- The infinite “genders” we see today, by-products of this pedophilic man’s “work”, are now protected under law in many countries & regions and promoted by schools, our media/social media and our governments
- In the 1970’s, Harry Benjamin, a friend and colleague to both John Money & Alfred Kinsey, started the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) which later became WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Medicine)
- Benjamin openly embraced pedophilia and other sexual deviancies
- In the 1970’s HBIGDA (Now WPATH) received large financial contributions from the Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF), created by philanthropist and female born Reed Erickson, then medically “transitioned” as a patient of Harry Benjamin
- Reed also donated over $70,000 to the Johns Hopkins (G.I.) Clinic in the 1970’s
- WPATH’s “SOC-8”, again NOT an official Standard of Care, recognizes “Eunuch” as a “Gender Identity” and suggests incredibly invasive surgical procedures to “match” children’s bodies with this “identity”
- Adult male members of an online written pornography site called “The Eunuch Archives”, which includes themes like child castration and child torture, lobbied WPATH to add “Eunuch” as a “gender identity” to the “SOC-8” and have been in “professional” conversation with WPATH since at least 2009
- WPATH removed the Ethics chapter from the “SOC-8” upon publishing
- Within hours of publishing the “SOC-8”, WPATH removed all age restrictions for “trans” drugs and surgeries except for phalloplasty
For more information on WPATH see WPATH’s Guidelines are Junk Science
On “Gender Ideology”
- ‘Gender Ideology’ was integrated into Women’s Studies, gradually morphing the programs into Gender Studies, in Universities across the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and other Western nations
- The University of Toronto holds one of the oldest “Women and Gender Studies” programs, in existence since 1971; In 2009, the University at Buffalo launched stand-alone MA and PhD degree programs in Global Gender Studies
- By the early 2000’s “Women’s Studies” was significantly infiltrated by “Gender Studies”; these programs were heavily funded by the Stryker Corporation (more below), a billion-dollar leader in medical equipment production and sales which funds several major “trans” activist organizations
- Gender Ideology is now being taught in schools to children as young as THREE years old and throughout college & university programs
- This theory, set of ideas or religion is being taught to children and adolescents as fact in their schools, without including its history or counter arguments
- Gender Ideology demands the “affirmation” of others, reflected by the use of the captured individual’s “chosen name“ and “preferred pronouns”, socially and/or by law, to validate the individual’s “identity” and often his or her very existence
On “Gender Identity”
- John Money coined the term “gender role” and popularized the term “gender identity” in the 1960’s & 1970’s
Judith Butler, who served as a founding director, with Martin Jay, of the Critical Theory Program at UC Berkeley, believed and integrated into Women’s (and “Gender”) Studies University programs that both sex and “gender” are socially constructed
- Butler’s theory of “gender performativity” and her conception of “critically queer” have heavily influenced teachings of “gender” and “queer identity” in the academic world since the late 1990’s and have mobilized political activism, particularly “queer” activism, across the globe
- “Gender Identity” is based on stereotypes and on the sex binary. The sex binary (two sexes only for humans) can’t be confused out of existence through the twisting of language, though that seems to be a goal for “gender” ideologues; for example, “non-binary” relies upon the sex binary for its very definition
- In some American States, in all of Canada & much of Australia “self-identification” of “gender” is recognized under the law
- The UK has avoided implementing “self ID” legislation
- Realistically, “gender identity” means personality and self expression based on the stereotypes an individual wishes to express or not express