On 10th March 2022 The Cass Review published an Interim Report. https://cass.independent-review.uk/publications/interim-report/ The Cass Review Interim Report The Interim Report was covered by two articles in the British Medical Journal including one by Dr Hilary Cass. https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o589 Review of gender identity services for children and young people, Dr Hilary Cass https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o629 Our Duty will, in … Continue reading The Cass Review – Interim Report
Why does the Trevor Project want to separate kids from their parents?
It’s an honestly posed question. The Trevor Project started out nobly, with a raison d’etre that everyone agreed with: preventing young gay people from suicide. For unknown reasons, the Trevor Project does not provide that history on the current iteration of its website (in fact, what the CEO says is that the Trevor Project has been about young people … Continue reading Why does the Trevor Project want to separate kids from their parents?
Why I Can’t Tell You My Son’s Therapist’s Name
My son has a great therapist. That sets us apart from, I think, the great majority of parents. Mental health care for children is difficult to get, and it's even more difficult to get mental health care that doesn't just check the box or blunder about, but actually helps a child. My son's therapist, who … Continue reading Why I Can’t Tell You My Son’s Therapist’s Name
It takes a village…
Many would interpret the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” to refer to the efforts of a community striving to encourage the mental and physical growth of children in a safe environment. Today, unfortunately, in Canada, that village is working to separate children from their parents, rather than helping the parents along. … Continue reading It takes a village…
A Small Sigh of Relief?
I finally took a breath…but only a small one. It’s been two very long years since my son began identifying as “trans”—two years of me living in fear that my child would choose to medically harm himself in the name of an identity. But finally, after two years of me loving him unconditionally, but never … Continue reading A Small Sigh of Relief?
How to diagnose a child as transgender (according to the professionals)
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recently released the 8th version of its Standards of Care (SOC). Health professionals around the world will use these guidelines when they make decisions on how to diagnose and treat transgender-identified people. As the parent of a trans-identified child as well as a public health professional, I … Continue reading How to diagnose a child as transgender (according to the professionals)
Stop the Gender Identity Madness- Write a Letter
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984 For those of us at the front lines of the gender ideology debate, our society can seem Orwellian. Doctors, teachers, therapists, business leaders, judges, politicians, news media—even friends—tell us that nothing is wrong. … Continue reading Stop the Gender Identity Madness- Write a Letter
What’s in a Name?
A “Trans” Kid Named Rose is Still a Rose A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, in the fall of 2019, I had some close friends tell me that their daughter had announced that she was non-binary and had decided to name herself – pardon – theirself “Phoenix.” Like any good friend, … Continue reading What’s in a Name?
What it Means to Feel Male or Female: Response to an Article
I read an article by a trans-woman who was trying to explain what it means to “be trans.” I like to occasionally read these articles to make sure I keep an open mind about issues of gender and transition, and to see the sorts of things that people like my daughter, who claim to be … Continue reading What it Means to Feel Male or Female: Response to an Article
A History Lesson on Families
By a Historian I have now heard many heartbreaking stories about parents whose efforts to help their gender-questioning kids have been undermined by health professionals and schools. (Here are a few accounts: My daughter thinks she's transgender. Her public school undermined my efforts to help her., A Trans Estrangement, Outside influences: how our spirited daughter boarded the trans … Continue reading A History Lesson on Families