To my family and friends who have not supported me or been by my side during the hardest time in my life. My son told us 2 years ago that he was “transgender”. I immediately knew that something was off, that something else was going on with him. I researched it, for endless hours, as … Continue reading What it Really Feels like to Have a “Trans Identifying” Kid
The Supply and Demand of Trans: How About a Little Help from the Kids?
At PITT, we’re hard at work on the supply side, trying to slow down the torrent of hormones dangled in front of our kids, to hold practitioners accountable for the experimental nature of their medical gender “transition” treatments. We’re shining a light on the negligence of therapists, practitioners and gender clinics who, with only “very poor” … Continue reading The Supply and Demand of Trans: How About a Little Help from the Kids?
Letter To a Well Meaning Bystander
Open your mind-when it comes to trans, you might be misguided Dear Friend, I appreciate the concern expressed for my daughter and any difficulties that she and our family might be facing. I know your sympathy is sincere and you would like to be helpful if possible. I thank you for your suggestion of {embracing … Continue reading Letter To a Well Meaning Bystander
True Friendship
At Our Duty we work primarily with parents, however we know that they are not the only ones who care. Siblings, aunts, cousins, uncles, grandparents, and friends can all be torn by their love for a person who suddenly gets the idea they have a gender identity at odds with their sex. This is an … Continue reading True Friendship
Why our kids think they’re trans
Read the reasons they've given us, their parents Are you under the impression that “trans kids” just know who they are, and that transition is how they become their true self? As parents of these “trans identified” teens you read about on the news, we beg to differ. You see, our kids are smart, many … Continue reading Why our kids think they’re trans
Contradictions in Trans Ideology – An Incomplete List
"Is the person a child or is the person adult-like? Does the person have a certain type of cognition, morality to make such a choice?"-Convicted sex trafficker and cult leader Keith Raniere A short catalogue of nonsensical axioms justifying transition of gender dysphoric children: 1. Trans women are women, yet the trans child is … Continue reading Contradictions in Trans Ideology – An Incomplete List
We will not be silent any more
We are protesting gender clinics; you should too Gender clinics and trans activists: Do you think that you have the only voice? Think again. The public outcry against the gender ideology has arrived. The tower of deceit is starting to wobble. We parents and our allies have grown tired of crying and hitting … Continue reading We will not be silent any more
Pronoun Bullying
I applaud all parents who have done so much to bring the concerns and needs of our children – our quirky, unusual, brilliant, awkward children – to light. These are strange times we are living in, and I think it's much harder to grow up in the weird online garden of social media and virtual … Continue reading Pronoun Bullying
A Great Parenting Story
On 13th December 2021, Helen Islan - a prominent activist, supporter of Mermaids (the controversial UK charity famed for promoting transgenderism) and loser of Britain's first 'transphobic hate' trial posted the following on Twitter using her account @mimmymum: Tweet by Helen Islan The tweet was critical of an article published in The Daily Signal written … Continue reading A Great Parenting Story
Parents of Trans Identified Kids: Tell Your Stories!
If your family is impacted by transgender orthodoxy, time to speak up We are incredibly proud of the work we’ve done over the past few months in getting our stories, and the stories of our fellow parents with trans-identified teens, out to the world. Thanks to all who have contributed to our project, many thousands … Continue reading Parents of Trans Identified Kids: Tell Your Stories!