Supporting parents of children who think they are transgender is our primary purpose.
Peer-support works: The Importance of Peer Support for Parents of Children with Transgender Ideation.
Our Mission
– to support the families of children who identify as transgender
– to help families find alternative resolutions to gender dysphoria other than gender affirmation (which is more likely to lead to hormone and surgical interventions)
– to provide information to these families and to wider society about this issue
– to pressure governments and health services to provide better treatment for children and families affected by this issue
What we can do
It is our experience that the best way to support each other is to provide opportunities to interact. In ‘real life’ and online. In this way, we can share our experiences of what works and what doesn’t and in our own way evolve best-practice, evidence-based care for children and their families.
Some people just want to vent, others need a shoulder to cry on, others feel the need to do something. Most of us experience all of these emotions at some time or other. Some members participate constantly, others dip in and out. All are welcome.
We can help you find appropriate therapy, for the child and/or for the family.
If you think of something that we can do for you or in general, just ask.

We have private groups in Twitter and Facebook and WhatsApp, and we encourage you to connect with affected parents and sympathetic supporters wherever you may find them. New groups are forming all the time, and there is every reason to join as many as you can to find the connections you are looking for and need.
What you can do
Get involved. Just chatting to another parent in the same or a similar situation is beneficial to many. If you feel the need to ‘do something’ then there is always plenty that needs doing! The most obvious thing is being part of the support network. Additionally, there are plenty of roles within our organisation that need effort, we are all volunteers and we all need a day off now and then. Attend other related events (e.g. the feminist movement understands that sex is a class and gender isn’t!).
Getting yourself heard
We are getting to know a number of journalists and, crucially, getting to know which ones understand the issues well enough to do your story justice. If you feel telling your story will help you and/or help others understand the issues, please let us know.
Help your child
Ultimately, you are reading this because you want to help your child. You want to keep them safe from unnecessary medical harm. Read our guide here: How Can I Help My Child