We offer Support and Resources to Canadian parents of children of any age experiencing transgender ideation.
Welcome to Our Duty Canada, a support network for parents of children of any age experiencing transgender ideation.
We are a group of concerned parents, most of whom have children struggling with distress around their sex and grappling with the largely unrestricted social and medical options being presented to them in Canada in response to this distress. We believe that no child has the necessary cognitive and psychosocial maturity to provide informed consent to the use of synthetic cross-sex hormones and surgical procedures (referred to as “gender affirming care”) that may permanently damage their health, sexual function and fertility.
As a group, we share a very unique perspective based on 2 strengths: (1) We have a wealth of first-hand experience with children experiencing gender distress, because we parent them, as well as with the medical and mental health practitioners who have recommended gender-affirming care for these children, and (2) As dedicated parents, some of whom are also researchers, academics and mental health professionals, we also carefully follow the results of peer-reviewed research in this area, which, to date, has NOT yielded strong evidence of the safety or effectiveness of these gender affirming medical treatments. Therefore, we work to increase public awareness and pressure our social, medical and political organizations to conduct themselves from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children with other mental health issues and who are likely to grow up to be gay are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada. We will do our part to help end this.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Podcasts and videos are available on YouTube channel.
We are proud to represent Our Duty as its Canadian Chapter.

Parenting through transgender ideation can be isolating, draining, heartbreaking & prolonged. Here we provide evidence-based resources to 1) help parents fulfill the duty of bringing children to adulthood healthy and whole; and 2) support parents as people through all stages of the transgender ideation of a child of any age. You can view and download our recommended resources by clicking the button below.

As a voice for many Canadian parents, ODC participates in official letter writing, formal submissions and reviews, and public awareness campaigns and projects. We aim to have our voice, your voice, heard by medical, mental health, education and political bodies across Canada.
You can find some of our work below.
UN Universal Periodic Review- ODC Stakeholder’s Submission
ODC’s Policy Brief- Policy 713 New Brunswick
Open Letter re: The WPATH FILES- ODC Calls for Immediate Disengagement from WPATH
Official Letter re: The Cass Review
Open Letter- Open Letter to the Alberta Medical Association
Letter of Support to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith
Letter to the Editor of the Canadian Medical Association Journal
ODC’s Response to WHO Global Guidelines on Health of Trans & Gender Diverse People
ODC’s Legal/Litigation Initiatives
Notice of Absence for K-12 Schools

As part of our Inoculation Against Gender Ideology project, we create very short, evidence-based videos dealing with various elements of transgender ideation and medicalization to better inform parents and young people about gender ideology and the truth about so-called gender affirming care. We hope that someone who needs to see these videos will.

Below is a slide deck with ODC’s 2023 Social Transition in Schools- Survey for Parents- Results and Analysis in which we asked over 150 Canadian parents of minors about their experience with the social transition of their child at school. Some of the results were shocking.

What’s in the books available to little kids at schools, in libraries and at daycare? Would you believe many of these books are actively indoctrinating children into taking on a gender identity, becoming an ally or even participating in “TQ” (trans/queer)activism? We took a look in the books.

Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.
Gender ideology is a set of ideas that is leading to many children to think that they are transgender. Adolescents in particular are prone to seeking refuge in a gender identity that is at odds with the reality of their sex. We are an evidence-based organization.
Primarily, we facilitate peer support for parents of children with what has been called ROGD and we call transgender ideation.
We put you in touch with other parents who want to protect their children from harm.
In addition to helping parents connect:
- We work to find and share information.
- We help parents find the best professional help, for the child and for the family.
- We are finding the best ways to parent our beloved kids.
And most of all, we know that we are not alone, and that we have friends who understand.
If you are a parent of a child who thinks they are transgender, please register.
Our Duty Canada can be contacted via canada@ourduty.group