Dutch call for More Research

More research is urgently needed into transgender care for young people: 'Where does the large flow of children come from?' Thomas Steensma, Dutch researcher into gender treatments and one of the co-authers of the so-called 'Dutch Protocol' has expressed concerns that existing research is an insufficient basis upon which current pathways used to treat adolescents … Continue reading Dutch call for More Research

Challenging Ideas

Introduction Parents of a child who thinks they are transgender often have difficulty challenging the ideas that lie behind their child’s outlook. In the first instance, any challenge to the child’s world view is seen by them as confrontational and is likely to result in ‘push back’. Even parents who have a good relationship with … Continue reading Challenging Ideas

The Gender Phantom

This is Michael K Laidlaw, MD's reading of his Gender Identity Phantom article which discusses the multiple problems with the American Academy of Pediatrics dangerous policy paper on comprehensive care for gender confused children and adolescents. https://youtu.be/2vA813jE9X4 First published at gdworkinggroup.org: http://gdworkinggroup.org/2018/10/24/... And referencing: Rafferty J. Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse … Continue reading The Gender Phantom

The Myth of Suicide

Hyperbolic claims are made by gender activists concerning the risks of suicide to young people identifying as transgender. The truth is almost a complete reversal of what the gender activists claim. Unfortunately, we are familiar with cases where transition has culminated in the young person taking their life. It is reasonable to surmise that the … Continue reading The Myth of Suicide

Call for Articles

Help us spread the word. We would like to publish the following articles on our website. Resource limitations mean that we cannot write all of them, at least not at the urgency required. Why gender identity should not be conflated with sexual orientation.A real exposition of the suicide statistics (it is transgender regretters who are … Continue reading Call for Articles

US Supreme Court Testimony

https://mercatornet.com/interrogating-the-transgender-agenda/63387/ A psychiatrist questions the scientific and medical basis for current treatments of gender dysphoria. Dr Paul McHugh is one of America’s leading psychiatrists. The article below is his testimony to the US Supreme Court in the case of R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. An employee of the … Continue reading US Supreme Court Testimony


This is the study from which the 88% desistance rate comes from:  www.researchgate.net/publication/5657572_A_Follow-…ResearchGate Transgender Trend has a useful page on desistance: Children Change Minds


Longitudinal Outcomes of Gender Identity in Children (LOGIC) is a longitudinal study exploring the development of gender identity in children and young people aged between 3 and 13 years at the start of the study. Conducted in the UK, the study began in 2019 and is following participating families at three time points over a … Continue reading LOGIC Study

The Littman Paper

Lisa Littman published this paper in the journal Plos.ONE in August 2018 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0202330 Lisa Littman, an American physician and researcher. Her research interests relate to reproductive health, gender dysphoria, detransition, and maternal and child health including prematurity and the use of substances in pregnancy. Littman joined the faculty of the Brown University School of Public … Continue reading The Littman Paper

Medical Transitions

https://youtu.be/3obFi7kXdDQ Medical Transitions - Long Term Outcomes A video survey, by Paul Dirks, of all the long-term outcome studies on medical transition over 10 years. Error: near the end of the video I state that in Adams, 2017 the "past year" measure was for treated individuals. This is not necessarily the case and would have … Continue reading Medical Transitions