How Many Detransitioners Are Too Many?

By Pam Curtis How many Detransitioners are too many before people start listening to parents? I’m a parent of a trans identifying teen, and I know a lot about this subject and why a child would come to the conclusion that they are trans. I just want you to listen. When I was a young … Continue reading How Many Detransitioners Are Too Many?

Trans Or A Tantrum?

Is this what family rejection really is? Imagine you are in a toy store and you see a real gun on the shelf, marketed as a harmless toy. Suddenly, your young child demands that you buy him this gun, even though he’s never had an interest in fire arms before. You are understandably shocked that … Continue reading Trans Or A Tantrum?

Converting American Youth for Profit: Boiling the Frog in 5 Simple Steps

- by J. Michaelson There were 50 good years of profits from tobacco, and 15 years from opiates. Juul was kind of a bust. But, no worries, we’ve got the next revenue stream well underway—and this time we’ve got the formula all figured out. It took about 15 years of careful planning, but this one … Continue reading Converting American Youth for Profit: Boiling the Frog in 5 Simple Steps

Trans: The Family Destroyer

by Dina Samuels There is a trans mental health crisis, but not the one you think.  The emerging crisis is the mental health of parents who find themselves fighting against the tide to protect their children.  I have spent the last year swept up in the madness that is gender ideology. Throughout my year in … Continue reading Trans: The Family Destroyer

The Trans Detour

When trans 'treatment' derails actual healing My son, James, now 23, is my only child. He identified as ‘trans’ from early 2014 until autumn of 2017, when he decided that the trans label no longer fit him.  Although at that time he desisted from being ‘trans’, he’s still struggling to rebuild his broken life.  Why? … Continue reading The Trans Detour

Parents Deserve Answers before Medicalizing Gender Identity

by J. Michaelson What a difference six months makes.  Some kids are born in the wrong bodies. Since gender identity is fixed by the age of three, kids can and do tell their parents their real gender, which is sometimes different than their natal sex. Good parents listen. These kids get to go to gender … Continue reading Parents Deserve Answers before Medicalizing Gender Identity

Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Trans Identification in Teens

Last March, at the beginning of the pandemic, I never would have put Covid and transgender in the same sentence. I also never thought I'd be writing publicly about matters as private as my son's sexual development. But, just like the toll on small businesses and civil liberties, the effects of the loneliness and isolation … Continue reading Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Trans Identification in Teens

Dr. Google Does Not Know “If You’re Trans”

by Dina SamuelsHere’s a question for you parents out there: do you think that the internet is qualified to diagnose your child with a serious medical condition? No? Well, I’m here to tell you that that’s exactly what is happening today…when it comes to “transgender”. My child is a very impressionable, self-conscious, extremely smart thirteen-year-old. … Continue reading Dr. Google Does Not Know “If You’re Trans”

Parents on Podcasts Speaking Out About Trans

Some brave parents are lending their voices in spoken form to the movement to safeguard children and to protect parent rights, so we can protect our kids.  Please take some time to listen to what parents have to say! • Thinkspot: S2#21 - Bettina Arndt and Parents of Trans-identifying Sons Join Bettina Arndt as she … Continue reading Parents on Podcasts Speaking Out About Trans

Reflections On Pain and Things That Break Our Hearts

By Marie P. This morning Facebook reminded me that I once had a handsome son with a smile that would light up a room. The picture was taken 5 years ago. Staring at me on the screen was a dark and handsome tall boy with a dazzling smile. He is standing at the beach in … Continue reading Reflections On Pain and Things That Break Our Hearts