Scott Newgent

Graham Linehan interviews Scott Newgent. Scott, having been through medical transition, including a phalloplasty, has been campaigning vociferously against the medical transitioning of children. Scott is on Twitter @NewgentTGA Graham has been vocal in support of women's rights in face of much vitriol from the gender ideology lobby, and has also come out for … Continue reading Scott Newgent

Desisters and Detranstitioners

While there are extensive protocols for working with children, adolescents and adults who wish to transition, nothing exists for those working with desisters or detransitioners. With very little research and no clear guidance on how to work with this population. This 'debate' paper by Catherine Butler and Anna Hutchinson calls for more research and services … Continue reading Desisters and Detranstitioners

Reflections of a Parent I was woefully unprepared to respond to cues

The Tavistock Centre

Our Duty at The Tavistock

Parents from Our Duty were not the first to confront The Tavistock about what was going on at their gender clinics. However, our attendance happened at a pivotal time, we found governors sympathetic to our point of view, and the questions we raised were subsequently aired in flagship media: The Sunday Times and BBC Newsnight.The … Continue reading Our Duty at The Tavistock

The Trans Train

The Trans Train - Swedish documentary (with English subtitles)

Editorial in BJGP

This editorial in the British Journal of General Practice is an objective and accurate report on Gender incongruence in children, adolescents, and adults. Authors are: Susan Bewley, Damian Clifford, Margaret McCartney and Richard Byng

Different Perspectives

An Information Experience Design project by Silke Steidinger for the Royal College of Art. A series of vox pops of both pro-medicalisation and pro-psychotherapy viewpoints. TRANS-ACTIONS: AN EXPLORATION OF GENDER DYSPHORIA

Mermaids Gender Spectrum

This article in The Spectator by Madeleine Kearns reports on the efforts made by Mermaids and others to introduce gender ideology into UK schools.

The History of Gender Medicine The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine' At the Teens4Truth Conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Nov. 18, 2017. A physician who was in the Johns Hopkins Univ. Hospital group where "transgender medicine" was developed describes the lies, bad medicine, and fraud behind that movement. Quentin Van Meter, MD, FCP is a pediatric endocrinologist. He is a … Continue reading The History of Gender Medicine

Health Risks

Transgender people can end up 'badly damaged' says Lord Robert Winston