Julie in Genderland

For over a year a group of Our Duty parents have been working with Julie Bindel and her producer Sam to get their stories out. The result is very professional podcast series: Julie Bindel's Substack which can also be found on YouTube: Julie in Genderland on YouTube EPISODE 1: WE KNOW HOW YOU THINK Across … Continue reading Julie in Genderland

The BBC’s Transgender Coverage Under Scrutiny

A Report by Our Duty The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a publicly funded institution with a mandate to reflect the diversity of the UK population, is facing growing concerns over its portrayal of gender identity issues. A recent report by Our Duty critically assesses the BBC’s coverage of transgenderism and highlights significant biases in its … Continue reading The BBC’s Transgender Coverage Under Scrutiny

Press Release: Our Duty Welcomes High Court Judgment Declaring Emergency Ban on Puberty Blockers Lawful

For Immediate ReleaseDate: 29th July 2024Contact: info@ourduty.group Our Duty Welcomes High Court Judgment on Puberty Blocker Regulation Our Duty is pleased that the High Court has upheld secondary legislation designed to better protect adolescents experiencing transgender ideation from the potentially harmful effects of puberty blockers. This landmark judgment is a significant step towards safeguarding the … Continue reading Press Release: Our Duty Welcomes High Court Judgment Declaring Emergency Ban on Puberty Blockers Lawful

RSHE Consultation 2024

Our Duty is broadly supportive of the new Statutory Guidance for RSHE published for consultation. https://consult.education.gov.uk/rshe-team/review-of-the-rshe-statutory-guidanceThe consultation closed on 11th July 2024 Our response is italicised below. The first ten questions are around describing you or your organisation. The substantive consultation questions start with Question 11. Review Timetable  11 Do you agree that we move … Continue reading RSHE Consultation 2024

Pledge for Protection

Our Duty calls upon candidates for the United Kingdom General Election to be held on 4th July 2024 to sign this pledge to protect vulnerable adolescents and uphold women's rights. In summary, committing to implement these five actions will remove the legitimacy afforded to harmful gender identity ideology thereby removing any authority - real or … Continue reading Pledge for Protection

Have you got Planning Permission?

In the United Kingdom, planning permission is required to fly any flag that is not explicitly recognised. The so-called 'Progress Pride' flag requires planning permission, whereas the traditional pride flag does not. Quite right, too. It is, therefore, possible to ask the local planning authority to enforce the planning laws as relates to the offensive … Continue reading Have you got Planning Permission?

Policy Change Resulting From Cass Review

Parents of a 17 year-old with transgender ideation should consider allowing their child to be referred into NHS child services.Our standing advice for UK members has always been that the NHS and CAMHS are unsafe for children presenting with transgender ideation. However, there are changes resulting from the Cass Review which force us to revise … Continue reading Policy Change Resulting From Cass Review

Cass Review First Impressions

The Cass Review – Final Report, First Impressions

“The adoption of a treatment with uncertain benefits without further scrutiny is a significant departure from established practice.” The Cass Review, s23, p25 The above statement encapsulates what went wrong with children’s gender services at the Tavistock Centre Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS). This admission that the Dutch Protocol was pursued bypassing established practice and … Continue reading The Cass Review – Final Report, First Impressions

Sacked for Safeguarding

Parents of children who have been harmed by gender identity ideology, as well as other concerned people, will rally in support of Kevin Lister, the Maths teacher sacked for safeguarding, at his Employment Tribunal at Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre on 18th March. Kevin Lister's ordeal commenced in September 2021 when he received an … Continue reading Sacked for Safeguarding

Statement on Lloyd Russell Moyle’s Conversion Practices Bill

On 1st March 2024 the House of Commons debated the second reading of a Private Member’s Bill promoted by the Labour MP for Brighton, Kemptown, Lloyd Russell Moyle MP. The debate can be watched on parliament.tv Our Duty, is a parent support and advocacy group established in 2018 to protect children from the harms of … Continue reading Statement on Lloyd Russell Moyle’s Conversion Practices Bill