US Supreme Court Testimony A psychiatrist questions the scientific and medical basis for current treatments of gender dysphoria. Dr Paul McHugh is one of America’s leading psychiatrists. The article below is his testimony to the US Supreme Court in the case of R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. An employee of the … Continue reading US Supreme Court Testimony

Scott Newgent

Graham Linehan interviews Scott Newgent. Scott, having been through medical transition, including a phalloplasty, has been campaigning vociferously against the medical transitioning of children. Scott is on Twitter @NewgentTGA Graham has been vocal in support of women's rights in face of much vitriol from the gender ideology lobby, and has also come out for … Continue reading Scott Newgent

Harms of Hormones and Surgery

Transcript of Speech to the U.K. House of Lords by Michael K. Laidlaw, MD 15th May 2019 Medical Harms associated with the Hormonal and Surgical Therapy of Child and Adolescent Gender Dysphoria Thank you Lord Moonie, Posie Parker, and all of you here in the House of Lords. It is a great honor to be … Continue reading Harms of Hormones and Surgery