Individuals & Institutions who practice and promote ‘gender’ ideology rely upon parents, children and the general public remain misinformed or uninformed.

Many of our children are being “socially transitioned” at school, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Many school board policies in Canada instruct and uphold this type of secret keeping from parents, claiming that students may not be safe in their homes, and directly impacting the parent/child relationship.

Canadian Parents who refuse to adopt the language, practices & protocols of “Gender Ideology” may be exposed to the threat of legal recourse, including the custodial loss of their “trans identifying” child.

Despite the growing evidence to support parents’ concerns about their children’s future health and wellbeing, Gender Ideology and the laws and policies placed around it in Canada explicitly undermine the rights of parents.

Parents of older adolescents captured by Gender Ideology may experience estrangement if they express concern for their son or daughter’s mental or physical wellbeing, concern that may be deemed hateful and an act of bigotry by their peer groups, online and off, by a misled public and even by government representatives.

This invasive ideology suggests to young people– online, in their peer groups, and in their schools— that crimes like “misgendering”, “dead naming” and a parent’s refusal to remove old pictures from their child’s past from the walls of their own home are justifiable reasons to sever the relationship. Parents are not, by and large, kicking their kids out of the home.

Children and adolescents are being led down a dangerous path.

But there is hope …

You can talk to your children. This may be all you have at times. It is difficult to break through their captured mindset & scripted words initially, but conversation with confused kids is possible.

You can choose specific topics of conversation, arm yourself with facts, proceed thoughtfully, and keep bringing the focus back to the topic, moving past the “script” that your child has adopted.

You can gather with other Canadian who oppose “Gender” Ideology and create or join change-making groups, including Our Duty Canada. You can register with us or reach out to other uncaptured Canadians for the support you may need and/or to help protect all of our children from this invasive social, political and medical scandal.

When you learn more about the “gender” industry, the history of “trans” activism in Canada, and when you can see the vast amounts of money driving this ideology and the medical industry it has created, you can gain power in knowledge and confidence in your parenting – possibly the hardest parenting you’ll ever do.

Parents are the primary authority for their children. Parents know their children best. Children perform better in school when parents are involved. Adolescents have a natural tendency to pull away from their family of original to go out and find their place in the world. Your longstanding household rules can and should remain intact. These are issues separate from the ideology that parents can deal with the way they otherwise would-you can tell your kids this as well.

Ages & Stages in “Transgender” Ideation: A Visual Brief

Age Appropriate Strategies that May Help Your Child

The ages and stages of children and adolescents captured by Gender Ideation vary
greatly and, in turn, so do the methods by which you may be able to reach and help
your child. There is no magic wand that we can wave to bring our children back to clear
thinking and reality-based inclinations and expectations, but it is our duty to try to reach
them and attempt to pull them from the clutches of this invasive ideology.

Younger Child (up to roughly age 11 or 12)Teenager (Roughly 13 to 19)Young Adult (Roughly age 20+)
– Be honest with your child
– Inoculate against harmful ideas & concepts – like he can be a girl or vice versa – and reinforce fact-based ones
– Make it clear, in conversation and practice, that toys, clothes, haircuts, hobbies, etc do not determine their sex
– Teach and reinforce that any adult who keeps secrets from you should be considered a potential danger to them
– Teach them that they will always be a boy/girl
– Make your presence known with his/her school & teachers
– Restrict, limit, monitor internet use & social media, discuss it
– Be honest with your child
– Have uncomfortable chats about puberty and it’s bevvy of adverse effect & feelings
– Teach that it is normal to seek out “a tribe” but to avoid those that can/will harm them
– Teach biology, truth, common sense & thinking for oneself
– Encourage unplugged, outdoor activity, exploration, interaction with animals, plans, water, etc.
– Teach about cults, medical & financial scandals, social & political movements
– Ask questions, keep the lines of communication open, respect that he/she is forming more sophisticated viewpoints
– Be honest with your son or daughter – when asked, often maybe bite your tongue
– The key challenge is to keep the relationship with him/her
– Maintain or create a standing coffee or lunch date, walk in the park, weekly call if you can, something easy & regular
– Recognize that this is a natural stage of letting go of “a child” & forming new bonds with an adult child, regardless of “trans”
– Recognize that you have not failed in any way as a parent & that this is a powerful ideology
– If your son/daughter has medicalized, please reach out to us for more supports

What to say …

  • You can encourage the use of accurate language in your home, rather than that prescribed by “Gender” Ideology, by modeling it.
  • You can talk to your child in terms of his or her feelings around their body/sex, not their perceived “transness” to help him or her examine other reasons for those feelings. The feelings are real.
  • Let your child know that what he or she is doing is normal youth behaviour – searching for his or her tribe – but that this particular tribe, subculture or trend is harmful on many levels and can produce lifelong physical and psychological consequences.
  • You can let your child know that you’ve examined the social, medical, maybe even political aspects of “transgender” ideation and that what you’ve learned prevents you from supporting his or her involvement in it.
  • Tell your younger daughter or son that you’re not willing to make the adult decisions that are his or hers to make in adulthood – that this is part of your job of a parent.
  • Remind or inform your child that his or her brain will not fully develop until around the age of 25, rendering permanent decisions in his or her youth risky at best and devastating at worst.
  • Your adult children are still susceptible to the allure of this social contagion. Governments, organizations and “glitter families” offer many seemingly supportive incentives for them to join or remain involved in the “transgender” movement.
  • You might let your child know that the words and phrases you’re being asked to use are part of an ideology (easily compared to religious doctrines or cult language) & that you do not subscribe to this ideology, therefore you do not use its language.
  • Ask where and how he or she is getting information.
  • Ask a thought provoking question & casually end the chat.

What to do …

  • Separate the child from the ideology. Children and adolescents experiencing “transgender” ideation tend to echo the words & actions prescribed by the ideology.
  • Treat the situation much like cult indoctrination.
  • Build or rebuild trust and bonds between you and your son or daughter by engaging in activities that you both enjoy.
  • Depending on your child’s age, limit or eliminate his or her access to the internet with parental controls, with focus on social media websites and apps like TikTok, Tumblr and Discord. Young people today have better tech skills than many of their parents do – seek out technical support if you need to and be ready for your child to consistently attempt to disable or dodge these protections.
  • “Curiosity killed the cat” – casually mentioning bits of shocking news about the “trans” movement may inspire enough curiosity in your son or daughter fo rhim or her to investigate independently.
  • If your son or daughter is younger, encourage outdoor “touch the grass” types of activities and outings and/or time with animals. Or a new pet?
  • If your son or daughter is older and either not living with you or living somewhat separately in your home, try to plan an easy monthly or weekly outing with him or her, outdoors if possible.
  • Build your confidence in your own beliefs and your lack of belief in “Gender” Ideology and allow that confidence to show when speaking to your child. Fear is a propelling factor in this pervasive movement.

When our authority as Canadian parents of a “trans”-identifying child or adolescent is challenged, we can go back to basics: rebuild the bond that is being actively severed, curate trust, open the conversation and love bomb our kids better than “they” do!

What to avoid …

  • If you feel it’s best not to call your child by his or her given name to avoid accusations of “abuse” or lack of “support”, and to keep the conversation open, you could come up with a nickname or craftily structure your sentences and use no name at all.
  • Language is key to the participation in ideological praxis. There is a difference between avoiding predictable confrontation and allowing your words or actions to be compelled by your child’s adopted beliefs.
  • Be honest with your son or daughter. Agreeing with your child about being “born in the wrong body” simply to avoid conflict, even if you feel it is a phrase, will likely exacerbate the delusion he or she is operating under. It will not hurt your child to know that you believe something different than he or she does.

What to be aware of …

The “trans” -script that all children & adolescents experiencing “transgender” ideation adopt to some degree is designed to break parent/child bonds and to undermine parental authority in favour of the child or adolescent’s perceived or portrayed “true self”.

  • Many well-intentioned teachers, doctors, therapists, family members, friends, and even strangers act as allies to the “transgender movement, putting your child’s adopted “gender identity” above your parental authority, relinquishing their position as a once trusted liaison.
  • Individuals who choose allyship to this irrational movement over truth and common sense may do so for many reasons:
    • the loss of a job or livelihood
    • the loss of other allied friends or family members
    • the lack of knowledge and understanding of the medical harms being done to young people in our country, given the lack of coverage in Canadian mainstream media
    • the lack of understanding that “social transition” is an active psychological intervention that they are not qualified to participate in
    • the fear of seeing or acknowledging the depth of the harm this movement is causing to young people and our society
    • the inability to accept that they are being coerced by a set of whitewashed ideas to such an egregious degree

YOU know your child better …

  • Better than the principals & teachers who participates in “socially transitioning” your child without your consent or knowledge.
  • Better than the strangers online who “love bomb” them for being a part of the “community”, in response to the words “I’m trans”, and then convince them that you must not love them if you do not “affirm”.
  • Better better than the doctors and therapists who “affirm” your child’s delusion immediately upon meeting him or her briefly and declaring that he or she has a “gender identity” or gender dysphoria.
  • Better than the “experts” do when they tell you, and your child, that he or she may commit suicide if left unaffirmed and unmedicalized.

Suicide Information & Psychological Intervention

  • The false 48% suicide statistic that has traversed the internet was drawn from a 2017 UK questionnaire style study in which 13 out of 27 “trans-identifying” adolescents (under 26) claimed to have thought about or attempted suicide at some point in their lives. This is the suicide myth.
  • Completed suicide requires four components – it is not caused by just one thing. It isn’t’ caused by valid questions that deserve honest answers, nor by hearing one’s “dead name”, and certainly not by a parent’s wish to stop their child from irreversibly altering their body with chemical drugs and amputating surgeries.
  • “Social transition” is an active psychological intervention. Most people who participate in the active affirmation of a child or adolescent’s ideas about him or herself are not qualified to carry out this impactful intervention.

It is understandable that parents fear that their son or daughter will take their own life if left unaffirmed in their chosen “gender”.

This widespread idea, or rumour, is simply not true. More completed suicides have been documented AFTER medical “transition”.