Support and advocacy for UK parents of children who say they are transgender.
Our Duty started life in the United Kingdom with an online gathering of parents affected by having a child identifying as transgender. Our peer support group started online and held its first in-person meeting in December 2018.
Peer-support is a clinically proven method for dealing with serious situations that can impact mental health – having a child with transgender ideation is very much such a situation. It also enables us to share best-practice which has resulted in many success stories.
Our Mission
Our philosophy is simple, medical gender transition – opposite sex imitation medicine – is never right for a young person – there is no evidence to substantiate it, and allowing it for ‘persistent and insistent’ cases is just giving up on the child. Furthermore, it is our position that the services provided by the state, the NHS, at gender clinics and via Children and Adolescent (or Young Persons) Mental Health clinics (CAMHS/CYPMHS) are simply not safe and must be avoided.
One of our stated aims is to replace Mermaids as the United Kingdom’s first line of support for parents who have a child suffering from transgender ideation. A ‘gender critical’ alternative to Mermaids is what parents need, and Our Duty is committed to fulfilling that role.
We advocate for the repeal of The Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the removal of ‘gender reassignment’ from The Equality Act 2020. There is a sound rationale for taking this stance.
Anything that legitimises or validates incongruent sex-based identities serves to reinforce the arguments made by our children and those who are indoctrinating them. Being ‘transgender’ needs putting back in the ‘taboo’ box where it belongs, and must never be promoted to children as some kind of valid or legitimate pathway.
Our Support
Our support for parents of so-called transgender children (we don’t believe there is such a thing as a transgender child) is very much appreciated by those who participate – especially those whose children desist from transgender ideation. Peer support works well for both givers and takers, and while parents invariably start as takers, they quickly realize that giving is therapeutic, and everyone has something to offer: support can be emotional, practical, or informational. The power of just ‘being there for each other’ gives parents the confidence to navigate their own personal situation. There is no ‘magic bullet’, no ‘one size fits all’, and we all know that those professionals upon whom we are supposed to rely are utterly unreliable. So we are able to rely on each other. It works.
Like-minded parents are reassured that their instincts are good, and that in their time of crisis others are standing up for them and their children.
You can register to join our community here.
Our Duty is growing in influence and size. What we do can be best described with the acronym SAVE – Support, Activism, Voice, Educate:
Support – we help parents support each other by providing ways for you all to connect online and for real. Share your concerns, strategies and have friends who understand.
Activism – we aim to highlight our concerns to the public, politicians, educators and medics.
Our support for Keira Bell in taking The Tavistock to court:

Voice – we advocate for parents, be their voice or help them find theirs.
Educate – we strive to spread our knowledge, that sex is real and cannot be changed and that gender is a harmful craze, to the whole of society.
Social Media
Follow Our Duty UK on Twitter/X at: @OurDutyUK