This TV programme includes an interview between Emily Maitlis and Elizabeth van Horn of The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. During this interview, Emily Maitlis asks some of the questions we had previously pitched at the Council of Governor’s meeting. Specifically, that people are put on medical pathways without the requisite evidence, and that nobody knows why there has been a sudden increase in numbers with a swing to more females presenting with gender dysphoria.

(We invited Hannah Barnes, a Newsnight researcher to accompany us to the meeting).

Detransitoning: Reversing a gender transition – BBC Newsnight

At 15:14 Emily Maitlis puts this point:

“It is a concern that you’re putting people on these pathways without enough evidence of the treatment or of the long-term consequences of what that treatment is doing. This can be life-changing treatment in many situations and circumstances and that pathway is something that you’re putting people on without the requisite evidence.”

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