Our Duty has a truck! It is in Los Angeles, and it is, we hope, raising some interest as to exactly “Who is Keira Bell?”

Why a truck? What happened to the billboard campaign?

The story is that every single company we asked after the last board came down early said no.

Our Duty USA Billboard Campaign

The gentleman who ran the company we used for our most recent billboard said no to “Who is Keira Bell?” for obvious reasons (if the hate-mail we received is indicative of what he received).

Another company, in answer to promoting Abigail’s book with the original message, had this reply: The legal team said no because “the author presented opinions as if they were facts.”

We are unsure whether the legal team read Abigail Shrier‘s book, Irreversible Damage or just took the opinions of a few people with ‘the right views’ who had heard of it.

We then asked about “Who is Keira Bell?” with the Our Duty website and logo and they said “Our legal team said that we could accept a slightly modified version, HOWEVER you would have to remove the website address, AND include a “Paid For By…” disclaimer to the copy.

We moved on.

The next place said, after we submitted multiple options including “Who is Keira Bell?”:

“Unfortunately, our legal team has categorized any variation of this message as an “attack ad”, given the location and target audience.”

The location is Los Angeles and the target audience is anyone with a curious mind. It is hard to discern what kind of attack we were being accused of mounting, nor against which demographic. Of course, where we sought locations outside hospitals that practise opposite sex imitation medicine on minors, then it could be interpreted as provocative. But then, is it not the aim of a successful advertisement campaign to be a little provocative?

The names of the companies that are too afraid of any pushback from deluded activists to take good business are withheld to spare their blushes.

Finally, we contacted the truck company and they agreed to run the advertisement.

And here it is:

What does Keira think of this?

Wow thats brilliant! It’s no surprise me that it was difficult to get any message pertaining to this issue up there unless it’s “trans is beautiful/TWAW” etc. Thanks for your effort, I hope this will raise more awareness 😀

Keira Bell

The truck is contracted for a month. The last billboard was taken down after pressure from activists before it had been up for a week. The truck campaign is, though, a moving target!

We shall see how long it lasts…

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