
Parents have been testifying in opposition to California’s Bill SB107 which would, if enacted, make California a ‘sanctuary state’ for those seeking opposite sex imitation treatment. That means that California would ignore and override any protections that are available to a victim of transgender ideology in their home state.

Erin Friday of Our Duty, an international group that opposes transgender ideology, and mother of a “formerly trans identified child,” warned that the monetary and human costs of the bill will be much greater than proponents claim.

The Epoch TImes

Friday argued SB 107 is unconstitutional, violates parental rights, and “obviates every custody agreement in the nation,” not just those in states that ban gender interventions for minors.

“This law codifies kidnapping and offers protections to a noncustodial parent who absconds with the child to California in order to get gender interventions in contravention of an out-of-state order or the custodial parent’s wishes,” she testified. “Even more terrifying, this law encourages minors to run away … if their parents won’t consent.”

Friday pointed out Britain’s only pediatric transgender clinic, Tavistock Centre, announced last week that it will close in the spring. She claims the impending shutdown is because “the science does not support transitioning minors.”

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