“In school boards all across Ontario, students are being asked to divulge their sexual interests and their gender identities.”

Everybody knows that there is something very wrong about adults in positions of authority talking to minor children about their undeveloped sexual interests. Since this inappropriate conduct is being conflated with socially prescribed gender identities, Canadian teachers and other school officials have been given free reign to question students about personal details, thoughts and feelings about sex and sexuality. This is wrong and it imposes psychological strain, damage or trauma on children and teenagers.

There is an urgent need for our Canadian government and its Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, to step in with the authority that is otherwise being exercised in favour of these damaging interactions between authoritative adults and minor children through their lack of intervention. 

You can read more and sign the petition here. Let’s work toward ending the unnecessary and inappropriate overreach of teachers, school staff and our complacent government. 

Petition- Tell Ontario government to stop questioning kids about their sexuality and gender identity

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