On Friday June 9th, 2023 parents across the Nation plan to exercise their right to peaceful protest and keep their children home from their TQ (trans/queer) saturated K-12 schools. Contrary to what our captured Canadian mainstream media reports, concerned parents are not propagators of anti-trans hate but ARE fed up with the school’s highly misguided overreach, given the very real risks to their sons and daughters.

Child targeted gender identity activism and radical allyship have taken over our children’s schools through the covert implementation of “inclusive” policies that strategically exclude the most important people in a child’s life– his or her parents. 

(click here to read the policy)

Teachers and school staff are being given directives to change children’s names and pronouns, hide those changes from parents unless explicitly instructed to share them by the child regardless of age and, most disturbingly, begin using “they/them pronouns” for ALL students until specifically corrected by the children. These instructions for Canadian teachers are being created IN RESPONSE to parents voicing their concerns over a school environment already actively alienating them from their own children.

Our Duty Canada has recently launched a survey to parents asking for their input on their children’s social transitions at school.  While the survey is still active and collecting data, we are able to share with you a few anonymous comments left by parents.

Not only are Canadian K-12 schools actively lying to parents, by omission or flat out, about their sons or daughters adopting a new name and being referred to as the opposite sex, neither or both, they are also fighting against the removal of pornographic content in the books they deem fit for our children. 

There are far too many examples of content that parents would like removed from schools and public libraries, while the pushers of Gender Ideology sling accusations of hate and censorship– sexual content and the glamourization of heavy drugs and amputating surgeries absolutely SHOULD be censored for kids. 

Exposing SOGI 123 firmly warns its audience about the adult content that is being made available to kids under the guise of “gender” exploration. SOGI 1 2 3 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) has been inserted into British Columbia and Alberta schools and was written and funded by The Arc Foundation, a division of the Arcus Foundation, an extremely wealthy social justice activism group run by billionaire trans philanthropist, Jennifer Pritzker.

Action 4 Canada has also compiled a list of sexually explicit books and pornographic material that is currently available to Canadian children and teens in their Canadian schools and libraries. The words and images that children are being exposed to, relentlessly defended by zealous members of school boards and municipal library boards in Canada, are shocking, vile and predatory in nature.

As early as Kindergarten, when four and five year olds still believe in Santa Clause and have little capacity to make the simplest of choices, Canadian children are being given homework assignments and tasks that demand that they celebrate the sexual orientations that they cannot possibly yet understand and the gender identities that have been constructed by a pervasive social justice movement.

If you drive by a Canadian K-12 school right now (June 2023), you may notice the progress flag hanging underneath or even in place of the Canadian flag– the one that actually does represent all of us regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or sexual orientation. The TQ movement has captured our children’s schools to the point that some have committed to flying its flag, abandoning the Canadian flag all together, for the entirety of Pride Month (June)– some pushing to continue this for “Pride Season” (summer). 

Parent led organizations are working hard all across the country to inform others of the dangers of gender ideology in schools and the medical malpractice that postulates as Gender Affirming Care. 

(download and print this pamphlet by Canadian Gender Report with help from ODC here)

It was through a lack of child and adolescent safeguarding and overt indoctrination and sexualization of students that the Parents’ Rights Day of Action was born. This is a counteraction to the snowballing of gender ideology, queer theory and sexual themes being taught to our country’s children in place of apolitical education.

Parents are beginning to see what is actually happening in their children’s Canadian K-12 schools and they are outraged, they are appalled and they WILL stand up and protect their kids. Join thousands of Canadian parents and concerned citizens on June 9th as we peacefully protest against gender ideology and child sexualization in Canadian schools and in our society.

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