On Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 concerned Canadian parents and citizens from coast to coast to coast made history as we participated in the 1 Million March for Children, what’s being called “the largest protest of its kind in the world to date”. All races, religions and political leanings represented the vast portion of our country who are done with gender ideology and the sexualization and medicalization of our once great nation’s children. On that day, we united.
Peaceful protesters were seen in droves in the streets of St. John’s, Charlottetown, Halifax, Frederickton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Yellowknife and everywhere in between carrying heartfelt homemade signs and sending one message to our politicians, union leaders, school boards and medical and mental health bodies: “Leave our kids alone!”

Our Duty Canada, promoters and cheerleaders of the 1 Million March for Children, released a post march video showing the power of Canadians of all backgrounds coming together to protect our nation’s next generation. Watch the full video HERE.
As was expected, the march was met with much counter protest, though the numbers were in favour of parents and citizens speaking out against secret keeping in classrooms and the medical transition of children.
Just days before the national Million March for Children, footage of a meeting among heads of Canadian unions was leaked to the public. In the meeting parents and concerned citizens planning to attend one of the thirty plus protests across the country were called transphobic, hateful, racist, bigots and most frequently fascists. These union leaders, who represent many Canadians who marched in the protests they aimed to counter, urged each other to “fight against the rise of hate”, mobilize “flying squads”, arrive early and photograph protesters license plates, and most disturbingly, “give them some fright on September 20th”.
Crowds of young people masking themselves in black and presenting themselves as anti-hate soldiers (Antifa) walked alongside our marches with public leaders like the NDP party’s Jagmeet Singh and CUPE Ontario’s vice president Fred Hahn.
Many school boards issued memos to their staff and to the public echoing a pop-up meme reading “No Space for Hate” to distract from the purpose of the march at best, and to mislead the public into believing that loving parents and citizens are simply far-right bigots at worst.

Although the numbers are not yet known, school attendance was low to very low in many classrooms throughout the country on September 20th. Empty seats make a strong statement and as we continue to hear low numbers being reported from classrooms across the country, we can confidently say that the message was beyond that which could be casually ignored.
Highlight speakers in cities across the country included Bahira Abdulsalam PhD, American transman and butch lesbian Scott Newgent, and writer Meghan Murphy of the Feminist Current. Meghan’s speech was cut short in Victoria by law enforcement as counter-protesters began to violently charge the stage she occupied. Muslims, Christians, Atheists and representatives of “the rainbow” stood shoulder to shoulder and sent a direct message to our governments, school boards, workers unions and misled allies of the radical trans agenda on that day.

Not surprisingly, our Canadian mainstream media did not give this historic event in world history the coverage it deserved- but at least it was covered. The clear message that parents want to be informed of anything out of the ordinary that happens with their child in their school and that many if not most Canadians are against childhood medical transition is beginning to come through to the average person, despite marked efforts to silence or distort it.
Canadians aren’t finished yet. Round 2 of the 1 Million March for Children will take place across the country on Saturday, October 21st, this time in coordination with the “Stop the War on Children Rally”. Groups supporting this potentially global march include Our Duty US, Gays Against Groomers and Mom Army, Our Duty Canada, Leave Our Kids Alone. Scott Newgent, Gays Against Grooming Canada and the Parents Rights Coalition of Canada. The bulk of North America, will be alight with protests, and counter protests, with rumblings of inline protests popping up globally.

Our Duty Canada would like to thank every group and every individual who contributed to the truly grassroots national day of protest and school walkout. Again, we will stand strong together for our children, knowing and showing that there is no hate in this space. Take a deep breath and let’s get planning for Round 2 on Saturday, October 21st!