A Great Parenting Story

On 13th December 2021, Helen Islan - a prominent activist, supporter of Mermaids (the controversial UK charity famed for promoting transgenderism) and loser of Britain's first 'transphobic hate' trial posted the following on Twitter using her account @mimmymum: Tweet by Helen Islan The tweet was critical of an article published in The Daily Signal written … Continue reading A Great Parenting Story

Easily Led Vulnerable Boy

This testimony from a parent makes for very hard reading. The boy is clearly easily led, and after being a victim of 'sexting' he then became a victim of gender ideology. This is what a safeguarding failure looks like. My son has autism, ADHD, epilepsy, mental health problems, suicidal ideation and learning difficulties. He finds … Continue reading Easily Led Vulnerable Boy

Daughter Bullied into Being Trans

This testimony is from a member of Our Duty who tells how her daughter's school facilitated and encouraged gender transition despite the root cause of the girl's gender identity coming from peer coercion. Two years ago my daughter asked me to buy her a binder. This was totally out of the blue but I had … Continue reading Daughter Bullied into Being Trans

A Parent Stands Up Against Gender Ideology in School

January Littlejohn, a member of the Eastern USA Chapter of Our Duty, has given an outstanding talk on the effect Florida Schools' promotion of Gender Ideology has had on her family. https://youtu.be/HFa55nxnpcU How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family - January Littlejohn This is the transcript of her speech: She is a mother of three … Continue reading A Parent Stands Up Against Gender Ideology in School

A Detransitioner Confronts His Therapist

This is incredibly powerful. A detransitioner confronts his therapist. The conversation is on YouTube https://youtu.be/inUnrmh6XH0 Here is the transcript (not tidied up yet): It kinda, it kinda, well, it really upset me last night.And I almost started transitioning again.Just, I don't know what to say really.Okay, so why, why, why did you have the thought … Continue reading A Detransitioner Confronts His Therapist

Why are so many girls deciding they’d rather be boys?

These illustrations are by @RealityGirlZine on Twitter Why are so many girls deciding they'd rather be boys?Unrealistic expectations?Body image?Homophobia?The male gaze?Gender roles?Sibling envy?Gender stereotypes?Social contagion?Munchausen's by proxy?Iatrogenic harm?Vulnerability exploited?Wishful thinking?Adolescent angstTransition regret

What’s Your Endgame?

By Sara Hertz What do you think you are doing? To those of you clinicians and researchers claiming that gender identity is biologically based, not malleable, that people should be affirmed or they will be harmed, that medicalization has been found to be reliably safe, effective, and prevents harm, that almost no one who embarks … Continue reading What’s Your Endgame?

Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?

This documentary is made by Kallie Fell and Jennifer Lahl of CBC Network. The film explores the gender identity industry, focusing on the issues around allowing children to medically and surgically transition. The film looks into what gender identity affirmation means when it becomes a doctor’s endorsement of a minor’s distress, or whether doctors can … Continue reading Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?

Cheerleaders: My Gender Confused Son Isn’t a Game?

What Team are You Rooting for? I have a son who’s been struggling with his gender identity. He claims that “he’s always known” that he is a girl. The rest of us (mom, dad, sibling) are more than skeptical. My son is an awkward kid — albeit bright, compassionate, and sensitive. He’s also always been … Continue reading Cheerleaders: My Gender Confused Son Isn’t a Game?

SEGM issues Rebuttal to AusPATH

The Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine (SEGM) has issued a paper refuting the claims made by The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) in its recent paper. On 26th June 2021 AusPATH renewed its commitment to what it calls 'gender affirming care', and what is really Opposite Sex Imitation Medicine (OSIM). This announcement was seized upon by … Continue reading SEGM issues Rebuttal to AusPATH