The New Ideology of Gender Fluidity A talk given by Professor John Whitehall to the Australian Parliament. It makes reference to the bill being considered by Queensland to outlaw co-called 'conversion therapy' as well as to the UK Judicial Review case against The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. Overall, this talk is a clear … Continue reading Professor John Whitehall
Dirty Tricks
The document that reveals the remarkable tactics of trans lobbyists
BBC Newsnight
This TV programme includes an interview between Emily Maitlis and Elizabeth van Horn of The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. During this interview, Emily Maitlis asks some of the questions we had previously pitched at the Council of Governor’s meeting. Specifically, that people are put on medical pathways without the requisite evidence, and that … Continue reading BBC Newsnight
The Trans Train
The Trans Train - Swedish documentary (with English subtitles)
Harms of Hormones and Surgery
Transcript of Speech to the U.K. House of Lords by Michael K. Laidlaw, MD 15th May 2019 Medical Harms associated with the Hormonal and Surgical Therapy of Child and Adolescent Gender Dysphoria Thank you Lord Moonie, Posie Parker, and all of you here in the House of Lords. It is a great honor to be … Continue reading Harms of Hormones and Surgery
Editorial in BJGP
This editorial in the British Journal of General Practice is an objective and accurate report on Gender incongruence in children, adolescents, and adults. Authors are: Susan Bewley, Damian Clifford, Margaret McCartney and Richard Byng
The Littman Paper
Lisa Littman published this paper in the journal Plos.ONE in August 2018 Lisa Littman, an American physician and researcher. Her research interests relate to reproductive health, gender dysphoria, detransition, and maternal and child health including prematurity and the use of substances in pregnancy. Littman joined the faculty of the Brown University School of Public … Continue reading The Littman Paper
Different Perspectives
An Information Experience Design project by Silke Steidinger for the Royal College of Art. A series of vox pops of both pro-medicalisation and pro-psychotherapy viewpoints. TRANS-ACTIONS: AN EXPLORATION OF GENDER DYSPHORIA
Pique Resilience Project
Helena, Jesse, Dagny, and Chiara of the Pique Resilience Project, answer a few of your questions for detransitioners and desisters. These are their personal stories and opinions as women who identified as trans and desisted and do not reflect the views of anyone except theirs. Pique Resilience Project
Mermaids Gender Spectrum
This article in The Spectator by Madeleine Kearns reports on the efforts made by Mermaids and others to introduce gender ideology into UK schools.