Letter from a 16 year-old Lesbian

The following is a letter sent to Our Duty. The author has kindly given us permission to publish it. Hello, I'm 16 years old and I believed I was transgender from around 12 to 15 years old. I was mostly pushed in this direction due to the internet. I was active on an online group … Continue reading Letter from a 16 year-old Lesbian

California Parental Notification Policy for School Boards

Our Duty in conjunction with the Coalition for Parental Rights developed model Parental Notification Policies that can be adopted by school boards. https://ourduty.group/usa/schools-in-usa/california-school-districts/ To see these policies and the supporting materials visit this page.

FDA Petition to Stop Off-Label Puberty Blockers

How to Comment on Citizen Petition Seeking FDA Action on Off-label Use of Puberty Blockers Click on this link: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2023-P-3767-0001 or Go to www.Regulations.gov. Enter FDA-2023-P-3767 in the search field. Find the document “Citizen Petition Citizen Petition from Nancy K. Stade et. al” You can click on the Download button beside the PDF document to … Continue reading FDA Petition to Stop Off-Label Puberty Blockers

Gender is not a Spectator Sport

The gender fairy flew in the window one day, creeping through every door until it found it my lonely daughter. She sat with her, listened to her, mesmerized her, and then went in for the kill. The fairly stripped her of her self-worth and told her that she could magically shed her sorrow by reemerging … Continue reading Gender is not a Spectator Sport

Seeking to understand the trans-gender phenomenon

We are delighted to publish this comprehensive review of Dr Miriam Grossman's book Lost in Trans Nation by Richard House, Ph.D., C.Psychol. Dr Miriam Grossman, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, 2023, 356 pp, ISBN-13: 978-1510777743, price (hardback) $32.50, with a foreword by Dr Jordan … Continue reading Seeking to understand the trans-gender phenomenon

NHS England – Puberty Blockers Consultation

NHS England is consulting on its new policy for the prescription of Puberty Suppressing Hormones (also known as puberty blockers) This public consultation will run for 90 days from 3 August to 1 November 2023. A great introduction which includes many of our concerns is here: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/all-eyes-on-the-nhs Read the NHS consultation guide: https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/consultation/puberty-suppressing-hormones/user_uploads/consultation-guide-puberty-suppressing-hormones-for-gender-incongruence-or-dysphoria-updated.pdf The Consultation … Continue reading NHS England – Puberty Blockers Consultation

Newsletter – August 2023

There are some very interesting developments in the evolution of the resistance against gender identity ideology. First, we have a letter published in The Wall Street Journal by eminent professionals that highlights the global shift away from so-called ‘gender affirming care’ to a more measured approach with psychotherapy as the primary intervention. (archive) Second, the … Continue reading Newsletter – August 2023

Australia: Call for Independent Inquiry

Dr Jillian Spencer is a psychiatrist at the Queensland Children's Hospital who takes a cautious approach to the care of young people with transgender ideation. She is currently suspended from her role amid accusations of 'transphobia'.Dr Spencer is a signatory to the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists’ guide to managing gender dysphoria and incongruence in … Continue reading Australia: Call for Independent Inquiry

Stop AB957

California parents are campaigning against Bill AB 957JOIN THEM AT STOPAB957.COM Stop State Seizure of Children If Senator Wiener’s AB957 passes, confused-children can be taken from parents that do not “affirm” their new “gender identity” - regardless of the child’s age or mental health diagnosis. A coalition of parents and parent groups has formed to … Continue reading Stop AB957

Does Your Mama Know?

This is a poem submitted to us by Our Duty supporter Empress Al-Yasha. Does Your Mama Know In this neighborhood, where innocence once thrived,A tale unfolds, where secrets are contrived.Children's minds are shaped, behind a closed door,But does your mama know what's in store? They're taught about gender, but who decides?The school conceals, with deceptive … Continue reading Does Your Mama Know?