Resources Needed for Desisters and Detransitioners in Schools My son decided he was “trans” 2 years ago. But since that time, he’s changed his mind. He now knows he’s male and has stopped talking about gender. He is now concentrating on his next journey—college. But there’s a problem: how does he walk back from the trans … Continue reading The One Way Street
An Open Letter to
Dear wonderful, brave, wise women, Thank you for being the voice of reason in the world where children can consent to be mutilated before they have a chance to learn that gender and biological sex are two different things. I urge you, however, to stand up not only for children, but also for teenage girls. … Continue reading An Open Letter to
It’s Wrong to Play the Pronoun Game
I’m a parent of a “trans identified” teen, so the pronoun dilemma is close to home for me. However, as a society, we cannot tackle this issue only when it impacts us personally —we need to band together as a society to say no to this toxic ideology, and saying no to pronouns is a … Continue reading It’s Wrong to Play the Pronoun Game
Why T is different than LGB: a parent’s perspective
When my older daughter was in her early teens, she enjoyed going to Teen Pride events. For a while, she dated girls. She never “came out”, it wasn’t necessary. She knew we didn’t mind whether she dated girls or boys. The only action we had to take was to drive her to her dates. Easy.My … Continue reading Why T is different than LGB: a parent’s perspective
Dear Planned Parenthood
Dear Planned Parenthood, I cannot support you at this time and here is why. Planned Parenthood does not require any sort of mental health assessment before youth seeking hormones for transition can obtain those powerful medicines. What else are you neglecting here? Careful health assessment for other underlying medical conditions that could make hormones physically dangerous? This … Continue reading Dear Planned Parenthood
The World Needs All Kinds Of Boys
My son came out as trans to me by text message almost 3 years ago. His message basically said “I am trans and I need hormones”. He had only been “feeling this way” for about a month prior to that, and found the answers on the internet. From there, he planned a quick medical transition … Continue reading The World Needs All Kinds Of Boys
The lawsuits are starting – and it’s about time. In the last couple of days, law firms in both the US and the UK have put out a call for claimants wishing to take legal action as a result of harm done to them or their family members by trans drug treatments and surgeries. Parents of gender questioning kids … Continue reading DAMAGED BY TRANS? THE LAWSUITS ARE STARTING.
Dear Therapist
Dear therapist, I’m writing because I’d like to get help from someone in your professional community but I’m concerned about the care that me and my daughter would receive in today’s activist-driven climate. You see, my daughter is gender questioning and is experiencing dysphoria. This is concerning to me, and I would love some help, … Continue reading Dear Therapist
THIS IS WHAT YOUR KIDS ARE WATCHING ON TIK TOK The irony should not be lost on us that a trigger warning is required for an article written for adults about what their kids are watching on the internet. But in the age of social media and trans mass hysteria, this is where we find … Continue reading TRIGGER WARNING; GRAPHIC IMAGES