The UK Government has announced that it shall proceed with a ban on 'Conversion Practices' and that this bill shall include transgenderism. This is a great cause for concern. Firstly, we consider our children who have transgender ideation have been 'converted' - however, we doubt that the proposed Bill will be designed to stop all … Continue reading Conversion Practices Bill – Concerns
Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
The NHS published its proposed Interim Service Specification for the treatment of 'gender dysphoria' on 20th October 2022 The NHS is consulting on this Interim Service Specification for what they are calling Specialist service for children and young people with gender dysphoria (phase 1 providers) The consultation runs from 20th October 2022 to 4th December … Continue reading Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
Parents call for an end to the promotion of transgenderism in schools.
UK parents belonging to Our Duty, a peer support group for families with a child that identifies as transgender, have written to the Secretary of State for Education, James Cleverly, and the two candidates to be UK’s next Prime Minister, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, requesting an urgent review into children adopting a transgender identity … Continue reading Parents call for an end to the promotion of transgenderism in schools.
Responding to the Interim Report of The Cass Review
This is a response the Interim Report published by The Cass Review. First up, Our Duty has been calling for an immediate moratorium on the provision of Opposite Sex Imitation Medicine pending the final report from The Cass Review. Nothing in the Interim Report diminishes the rationale for such a moratorium. Indeed, if anything, our … Continue reading Responding to the Interim Report of The Cass Review
Call to Stop Opposite Sex Imitation on NHS
Our Duty calls on the government to end the scandal of opposite sex imitation medicine
Policy for the United Kingdom
There is no evidence of any benefit to sufferers of post-pubertal sex dysphoria from medical intervention. Mental health outcomes are not improved by gender transition. Our Duty takes the view that medical treatment to imitate the opposite sex is not just unnecessary, it is harmful. There is no doubt that young people who come to … Continue reading Policy for the United Kingdom