By Devon Jacobs I'm an American Mom with liberal political views (Democrat voter, East Coast) who knew nothing about "gender dysphoria" or the experimental nature of treatment in this field until I was thrust into it with my young teenage son's sudden quarantine announcement. I was shocked to see that anyone who says they are … Continue reading A Parent’s View
Overcoming Dysphoria
This article is first-person testimony from detransitioner Sinead Watson. She tells us how she overcame dysphoria after years of suffering from it. Gender dysphoria is a sense of unease or distress due to a mismatch between ones biological sex and gender identity. This distress can be so intense it can lead to depression and, in … Continue reading Overcoming Dysphoria
Detransition Awareness Day
March 12, 2021 the inaugural 'Detransition Awareness Day', provided an opportunity to raise awareness of detransition and of the stories of detransitioners. While Keira Bell is perhaps the most famous of the detransitioners. Many others have found it necessary to unite and to campaign for better treatment, both by society and by the medical profession. … Continue reading Detransition Awareness Day
Who is Keira Bell?
Keira Bell is a complainant in an important legal case. Her journey from girl to adult woman included a detour through believing she was transgender. Keira Bell In 2013, when she was 16, Keira Bell was prescribed puberty blockers by the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), part of The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. GIDS … Continue reading Who is Keira Bell?
The Myth of Detransition
Detransition is the process, usually social sometimes medical, that young people go through when they reject their transgender gender identity after having under gone medical treatment to imitate the opposite sex. When this happens before any medical intervention it is known as desistance. We know that desistance rates are high, about 85% in studies, and … Continue reading The Myth of Detransition
Informed Consent
Keira Bell is a detransitoner – a young woman who used to be transgender but has since desisted from the medication and behaviours associated with transgenderism. In January 2020 Keira joined the legal action being pursued by Susan Evans, a former employee of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), and a parent "A" of a … Continue reading Informed Consent
Aaron on Becoming
This article originated as a Twitter thread by Francis Aaron and is reproduced here by kind permission. As a unique amalgam of Nietzschean philosophy and satirical rap, it manages somehow to explain to the wider world what we non-affirming parents 'just know' but find difficult to explain ourselves. This is the first line in … Continue reading Aaron on Becoming
Desisters and Detranstitioners
While there are extensive protocols for working with children, adolescents and adults who wish to transition, nothing exists for those working with desisters or detransitioners. With very little research and no clear guidance on how to work with this population. This 'debate' paper by Catherine Butler and Anna Hutchinson calls for more research and services … Continue reading Desisters and Detranstitioners
The Detransition Advocacy Network
The Detransition Advocacy Network (TDAN) is a charitable, nonprofit, global effort to improve the well-being of detransitioned people everywhere. Launched in November 2019, TDAN works with local chapters through its core leadership to support those who desist from gender transition, and to lobby institutions for the destigmatisation of detransition and expansion of detransitioners' healthcare and … Continue reading The Detransition Advocacy Network
Ellie and Nele: A Detransiton Tale