A Parent Stands Up Against Gender Ideology in School

January Littlejohn, a member of the Eastern USA Chapter of Our Duty, has given an outstanding talk on the effect Florida Schools' promotion of Gender Ideology has had on her family. https://youtu.be/HFa55nxnpcU How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family - January Littlejohn This is the transcript of her speech: She is a mother of three … Continue reading A Parent Stands Up Against Gender Ideology in School

What’s Your Endgame?

By Sara Hertz What do you think you are doing? To those of you clinicians and researchers claiming that gender identity is biologically based, not malleable, that people should be affirmed or they will be harmed, that medicalization has been found to be reliably safe, effective, and prevents harm, that almost no one who embarks … Continue reading What’s Your Endgame?

Cheerleaders: My Gender Confused Son Isn’t a Game?

What Team are You Rooting for? I have a son who’s been struggling with his gender identity. He claims that “he’s always known” that he is a girl. The rest of us (mom, dad, sibling) are more than skeptical. My son is an awkward kid — albeit bright, compassionate, and sensitive. He’s also always been … Continue reading Cheerleaders: My Gender Confused Son Isn’t a Game?

A Parent’s View

By Devon Jacobs I'm an American Mom with liberal political views (Democrat voter, East Coast) who knew nothing about "gender dysphoria" or the experimental nature of treatment in this field until I was thrust into it with my young teenage son's sudden quarantine announcement. I was shocked to see that anyone who says they are … Continue reading A Parent’s View

Keep on Truckin’

Our Duty has a truck! It is in Los Angeles, and it is, we hope, raising some interest as to exactly "Who is Keira Bell?" Why a truck? What happened to the billboard campaign? The story is that every single company we asked after the last board came down early said no. https://ourduty.group/2020/12/14/billboards-in-usa/ Our Duty … Continue reading Keep on Truckin’

Newsletter – December 2020

Welcome to our final Newsletter for 2020. A tumultuous year, and yet one in which progress has been made. We all hope that things accelerate in 2021 and that the world becomes a far safer place for our children. United Kingdom In UK, Keira Bell won her court case against The Tavistock gender clinic. Court … Continue reading Newsletter – December 2020

Billboards in USA

In an effort to raise awareness about the medical treatment of children and teenagers with gender dysphoria, a group of parents commissioned a billboard in Los Angeles. It went up in October 2020 and received minimal attention. A second billboard was commissioned in November in close proximity to Kaiser Permanente Hospital where there is a … Continue reading Billboards in USA

broken heart love sad

Abandonment Swings Both Ways

Sometimes It’s The Children Who Leave, Not The Parents Who Kick Them Out This article was first published in Psychology Today - but quickly taken down - so it must be good! WRITTEN BY Tina TrasterTina Traster is a journalist, an author, and a documentary maker More than a third of New York City’s young … Continue reading Abandonment Swings Both Ways

Irreversible Damage

The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters Abigail Shrier, a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, has written a serious and thorough book examining the peer contagion of girls deciding they are "transgender". Under the influence of friends and social-media influencers, entire groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across … Continue reading Irreversible Damage

Newsletter – June 2020

Debate and Sunlight As the dust settles on the earth shattering revelation that renowned Harry Potter author JK Rowling knows that there are two sexes, the world of gender ideology is once again shaken to its foundations by the BBC current affairs programme, Newsnight. We knew the medical investigations team at Newsnight were interested in … Continue reading Newsletter – June 2020