“In school boards all across Ontario, students are being asked to divulge their sexual interests and their gender identities.” Everybody knows that there is something very wrong about adults in positions of authority talking to minor children about their undeveloped sexual interests. Since this inappropriate conduct is being conflated with socially prescribed gender identities, Canadian … Continue reading Petition to Stop Sexualizing Kids in Canadian Schools
The NHS is Captured
The United Kingdom's National Health Service is 'captured' by the 'critical social justice' movement. What does this mean? Why should you be concerned? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ybkpmdGNNk Mental health nurse sues Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for religious and racial discrimination When we talk of an institution being captured, we mean that the decisions made to determine policy … Continue reading The NHS is Captured
Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
The NHS published its proposed Interim Service Specification for the treatment of 'gender dysphoria' on 20th October 2022 The NHS is consulting on this Interim Service Specification for what they are calling Specialist service for children and young people with gender dysphoria (phase 1 providers) The consultation runs from 20th October 2022 to 4th December … Continue reading Response to Proposed NHS Interim Service Specification
This first appeared on the PITT Substack on September 4th, 2022 Today, September 4th, 2022 is the first day of Suicide prevention week. This also happens to be the third anniversary of the untimely and entirely preventable death of Yaeli Galdamez. She was a 19-year-old California girl who, like many teenage girls, was plagued with … Continue reading REMEMBERING YAELI
Erin Friday talks to Benjamin Boyce
Erin Friday's daughter suddenly identified as "trans" when she was 10 years old. After many months of patient care, and getting the girl out of the California school system, Erin's daughter left the "trans" identity aside and is now a healthy, artistic kid. But Erin's experience with California education's full-blown promotion of trans identities has … Continue reading Erin Friday talks to Benjamin Boyce
Where did you get that idea from?
As we continue our work with families affected by having a chid who thinks they are transgender, we are learning more and more about the social contagion aspects. We have yet to discover a child who decided they were the opposite sex without having experienced external influence to suggest this to them. "Maybe you are … Continue reading Where did you get that idea from?
Best Practice Care for Transgender Ideation
Current best practice (20th April 2022) seems to be that advocated by the State of Florida in the United States of America. The following is reproduced from their factsheet: Systematic reviews on hormonal treatment for young people show a trend of low-quality evidence, small sample sizes, and medium to high risk of bias. A paper published in … Continue reading Best Practice Care for Transgender Ideation
ROGD Phases -Time for Some Definitions
For decades, researchers and psychologists have recognized that the levels of “insistence and persistence” of gender dysphoria in children are important factors to measure. These experts have identified what most wise people instinctively know: there is a difference between a child’s temporary (and entirely appropriate) self-identification as a cat or Batman, and an extended commitment … Continue reading ROGD Phases -Time for Some Definitions
The Abyss
This is how it feels to watch my child embrace gender ideology: It’s like I am watching my daughter jumping into the abyss. She is falling in slow-motion, having purposely leapt past me into a gaping hole with no bottom in sight. I am holding out my hand to catch her as she falls past, … Continue reading The Abyss
“I’ll call on the little boy in the back”: Advice from a Therapist
PITT is written and edited exclusively by parents with children that identify or have identified as “trans”. We were born of parent support groups and have pooled our efforts to bring our stories to others, in the hopes that we can help our children and other children that have been swept up in gender madness … Continue reading “I’ll call on the little boy in the back”: Advice from a Therapist