Longitudinal Outcomes of Gender Identity in Children (LOGIC) is a longitudinal study exploring the development of gender identity in children and young people aged between 3 and 13 years at the start of the study. Conducted in the UK, the study began in 2019 and is following participating families at three time points over a … Continue reading LOGIC Study

Harms of Hormones and Surgery

Transcript of Speech to the U.K. House of Lords by Michael K. Laidlaw, MD 15th May 2019 Medical Harms associated with the Hormonal and Surgical Therapy of Child and Adolescent Gender Dysphoria Thank you Lord Moonie, Posie Parker, and all of you here in the House of Lords. It is a great honor to be … Continue reading Harms of Hormones and Surgery

Editorial in BJGP

This editorial in the British Journal of General Practice is an objective and accurate report on Gender incongruence in children, adolescents, and adults. Authors are: Susan Bewley, Damian Clifford, Margaret McCartney and Richard Byng https://bjgp.org/content/69/681/170

The Littman Paper

Lisa Littman published this paper in the journal Plos.ONE in August 2018 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0202330 Lisa Littman, an American physician and researcher. Her research interests relate to reproductive health, gender dysphoria, detransition, and maternal and child health including prematurity and the use of substances in pregnancy. Littman joined the faculty of the Brown University School of Public … Continue reading The Littman Paper

Medical Transitions

https://youtu.be/3obFi7kXdDQ Medical Transitions - Long Term Outcomes A video survey, by Paul Dirks, of all the long-term outcome studies on medical transition over 10 years. Error: near the end of the video I state that in Adams, 2017 the "past year" measure was for treated individuals. This is not necessarily the case and would have … Continue reading Medical Transitions

Brain Damage

This paper from Psychoneuroendocrinology (Volume 74, December 2016, Pages 371-379) reports on subcortical gray matter changes in transgender subjects after long-term cross-sex hormone administration. Assessing the influence of high-dose cross-sex hormone administration on the brain. Inclusion of transgender participants undergoing hormonal treatment. Subcortical brain changes in areas related to cognition and emotion. Changes in progesterone … Continue reading Brain Damage

Children’s Rights

https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx This link is provided to the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child because this is often used as a reference by those who advocate that the child's self-determination is paramount. In fact, the convention places a great deal of emphasis on the role and responsibilities of the parent. You will often … Continue reading Children’s Rights