
Schools Guidance for England – Draft for Consultation

The UK Government consultation on the draft Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children was published on 19th December 2023. The consultation runs until 12th March 2024 We shall be making a submission in response to the consultation in due course, using our Universal Guidance as the benchmark. The Government has published two documents … Continue reading Schools Guidance for England – Draft for Consultation

Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults

Research published on 1st December 2023 (almost exactly four years after the first detransitioner conference in Manchester, England) examines the experiences of formerly transgender identifying people who have since desisted or detransitioned. Desistance is the term used to describe those who discard their transgender identity prior to any opposite-sex imitation medication, detransition is used to … Continue reading Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults

Our Duty Canada’s Universal Periodic Review Submission to be read in Geneva

Our submission outlining the lack of safety and efficacy within Canada’s mandated Gender Affirming Care model will be read in Geneva on Friday, November 10th. In April of this year, Our Duty Canada wrote a submission for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process that occurs every 4.5 years for each of the UN’s … Continue reading Our Duty Canada’s Universal Periodic Review Submission to be read in Geneva

Our Duty Submission in Response to NHS Consultation on Puberty Blockers

This is the Our Duty Submission in response to the NHS England Consultation on the Prescription of Puberty Blockers. NHS England consulted on its new policy for the prescription of Puberty Suppressing Hormones (also known as puberty blockers). This public consultation ran for 90 days from 3 August to 1 November 2023. The Consultation Website: … Continue reading Our Duty Submission in Response to NHS Consultation on Puberty Blockers

Renowned Finnish Psychiatrist Challenges Gender-Affirming Care: A Pioneer’s Revelations

In a groundbreaking account for The Free Press "Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous. I Know Because I Helped Pioneer It.", Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, a distinguished Finnish adolescent psychiatrist, has raised serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of gender-affirming care for young individuals. Having played a pivotal role in establishing a gender identity service for minors … Continue reading Renowned Finnish Psychiatrist Challenges Gender-Affirming Care: A Pioneer’s Revelations

Letter from a 16 year-old Lesbian

The following is a letter sent to Our Duty. The author has kindly given us permission to publish it. Hello, I'm 16 years old and I believed I was transgender from around 12 to 15 years old. I was mostly pushed in this direction due to the internet. I was active on an online group … Continue reading Letter from a 16 year-old Lesbian

Million MORE for Children

What do we do now to go forward and continue making progress? We realize we cannot organize marches month after month (but if you want to do that - please go ahead and organize locally!) Continuing Actions This is a grassroots effort. It is one conversation at a time. Here are some useful suggestions and … Continue reading Million MORE for Children

School Board Gender Identity & Expression Policy High Dollar Scandal

York Region District School Board Pays almost $24K CAD to Trans Activists to write policies that hide children's gender identities & psychosocial transition from parents. Melanie Bennet, a member of Our Duty Canada and host of The Resilience Podcast, recently published a thread on X (Twitter) under the handle @finkledusty exposing the York Region District … Continue reading School Board Gender Identity & Expression Policy High Dollar Scandal

Surveys for Canadian Parents & Professionals on Gender Affirmation

Our Duty Canada has created a series of quick surveys for Canadian parents and professionals working closely with children and adolescents experiencing gender ideation. We aim to gather general data regarding gender social transition and the gender affirming care model in Canada in order to help move this important conversation forward. While many parents and … Continue reading Surveys for Canadian Parents & Professionals on Gender Affirmation

California Parental Notification Policy for School Boards

Our Duty in conjunction with the Coalition for Parental Rights developed model Parental Notification Policies that can be adopted by school boards. To see these policies and the supporting materials visit this page.