The Tavistock Centre

Closing the Gender Identity Development Service

A TIMELINE OF RELEVANT EVENTS AT THE TAVISTOCK CENTRE  2005: Sue Evans, a nurse at Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), warned that youngsters were being assessed too quickly and their treatment was influenced by transgender rights groups. 2009: GIDS became a national service responsible for treating all children in … Continue reading Closing the Gender Identity Development Service

Parents call for an end to the promotion of transgenderism in schools.

UK parents belonging to Our Duty, a peer support group for families with a child that identifies as transgender, have written to the Secretary of State for Education, James Cleverly, and the two candidates to be UK’s next Prime Minister, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, requesting an urgent review into children adopting a transgender identity … Continue reading Parents call for an end to the promotion of transgenderism in schools.

Parents challenge ‘Sanctuary State’ Legislation

California Parents have been testifying in opposition to California's Bill SB107 which would, if enacted, make California a 'sanctuary state' for those seeking opposite sex imitation treatment. That means that California would ignore and override any protections that are available to a victim of transgender ideology in their home state. Erin Friday of Our Duty, … Continue reading Parents challenge ‘Sanctuary State’ Legislation

The Tavistock Centre

Response to Announcement of GIDs Closure

The NHS has announced that the Gender Identity Development Service, UK's only gender clinic for children is to be closed. Our Duty has been critical of this service provided by The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation trust since our foundation in 2018. Announcement Our Duty Statement Parents of children who believe themselves to be … Continue reading Response to Announcement of GIDs Closure

Where did you get that idea from?

As we continue our work with families affected by having a chid who thinks they are transgender, we are learning more and more about the social contagion aspects. We have yet to discover a child who decided they were the opposite sex without having experienced external influence to suggest this to them. "Maybe you are … Continue reading Where did you get that idea from?

Best Practice Care for Transgender Ideation

Current best practice (20th April 2022) seems to be that advocated by the State of Florida in the United States of America. The following is reproduced from their factsheet: Systematic reviews on hormonal treatment for young people show a trend of low-quality evidence, small sample sizes, and medium to high risk of bias. A paper published in … Continue reading Best Practice Care for Transgender Ideation

Responding to the Interim Report of The Cass Review

This is a response the Interim Report published by The Cass Review. First up, Our Duty has been calling for an immediate moratorium on the provision of Opposite Sex Imitation Medicine pending the final report from The Cass Review. Nothing in the Interim Report diminishes the rationale for such a moratorium. Indeed, if anything, our … Continue reading Responding to the Interim Report of The Cass Review

The Cass Review – Interim Report

On 10th March 2022 The Cass Review published an Interim Report. The Cass Review Interim Report The Interim Report was covered by two articles in the British Medical Journal including one by Dr Hilary Cass. Review of gender identity services for children and young people, Dr Hilary Cass Our Duty will, in … Continue reading The Cass Review – Interim Report

Kara Dansky on Tucker Carlson

This interview is incredibly important.Kara Dansky explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the transgender phenomenon, and with a particular viewpoint which is entirely aligned with Our Duty thinking on these matters. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

True Friendship

At Our Duty we work primarily with parents, however we know that they are not the only ones who care. Siblings, aunts, cousins, uncles, grandparents, and friends can all be torn by their love for a person who suddenly gets the idea they have a gender identity at odds with their sex. This is an … Continue reading True Friendship