Gender is not a Spectator Sport

The gender fairy flew in the window one day, creeping through every door until it found it my lonely daughter. She sat with her, listened to her, mesmerized her, and then went in for the kill. The fairly stripped her of her self-worth and told her that she could magically shed her sorrow by reemerging … Continue reading Gender is not a Spectator Sport

Newsletter – August 2023

There are some very interesting developments in the evolution of the resistance against gender identity ideology. First, we have a letter published in The Wall Street Journal by eminent professionals that highlights the global shift away from so-called ‘gender affirming care’ to a more measured approach with psychotherapy as the primary intervention. (archive) Second, the … Continue reading Newsletter – August 2023

LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE- Million Person March, Peaceful Protest, and School Walkout Canada

Parents have had enough of gender ideology and the overt sexualized materials in Canadian K-12 schools. On Wednesday September 20th, Canadian Parents, groups and citizens across the country will be raising a collective voice to send the essential message, “Leave Our Kids Alone”. Join us in protecting ALL children from Gender Ideology. Please join your … Continue reading LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE- Million Person March, Peaceful Protest, and School Walkout Canada

The Shocking Grounds for Canada’s Day of Action

On Friday June 9th, 2023 parents across the Nation plan to exercise their right to peaceful protest and keep their children home from their TQ (trans/queer) saturated K-12 schools. Contrary to what our captured Canadian mainstream media reports, concerned parents are not propagators of anti-trans hate but ARE fed up with the school’s highly misguided … Continue reading The Shocking Grounds for Canada’s Day of Action

Submission to the UPR 2023

Our Duty Canada’s Submission to the UPR 2023 Our Duty Canada (ODC) recently submitted a Stakeholders report to the 2023 United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The UPR occurs every 4.5 years and provides a check-in to see how Canada is measuring up to its commitments pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Rights … Continue reading Submission to the UPR 2023

Canadian Teen Fights Gender Ideology

On February 6, 2023, upon delinquently returning to school after hiring a lawyer who found no legal basis for the ongoing suspension, Josh was shadowed by his vice principal, repeatedly told to leave, and at the end of the day, arrested and given a trespassing notice along with a suspension for the remainder of the school year.

Petition to Stop Sexualizing Kids in Canadian Schools

“In school boards all across Ontario, students are being asked to divulge their sexual interests and their gender identities.” Everybody knows that there is something very wrong about adults in positions of authority talking to minor children about their undeveloped sexual interests. Since this inappropriate conduct is being conflated with socially prescribed gender identities, Canadian … Continue reading Petition to Stop Sexualizing Kids in Canadian Schools

Men of Principle

Robert Hoogland in a travesty of justice, was imprisoned for a sentence of 6 months by a Court in British Columbia, Canada. His compatriot, Chris Elston is raising awareness of this issue, 'one conversation at a time'. Listen to him explain the Robert Hoogland case and his mission here: Chris Elston talks about the … Continue reading Men of Principle

Prisoner of Conscience

In Canada, a devoted and brave father is confined to prison pending trial on April12th, 2021 Robert Hoogland has a daughter who wants to be a man. While we all know that it is impossible for a girl to become a man, and we know that it is a parent's duty to lovingly bring their … Continue reading Prisoner of Conscience

Billboard Chris

Chris Elston a.k.a. Billboard Chris is a father of two daughters. He is also a big fan of J K Rowling with her Harry Potter books being a staple of the Elston family bedtime story routine. When Chris became aware of gender ideology he realised the threat that it posed to his daughters. And when … Continue reading Billboard Chris